Chapter 36

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I grunt quietly as I drag Blaze up the stairs. I knew it was a bad idea to drug them downstairs and having to carrying them all back to the room before anyone would notice. I only hope that I can carry Blaze, the last of the three, to the room before anyone can hear my grunts of frustration.

I know when my mates wake up in the morning, they will be furious, but I couldn't think of something else that would keep them out of harms way, but still being able to safe our pup from harm.

To make it up to them - which I think will be near impossible - I want to mate with them. As soon as I get back with Finn, and everything has settled down. I will be ready to give myself fully to my mates. I want to live a life with them, a life with happiness.

Of course there are things in my life that make me happy right now, but I have always felt a pit of emptiness in my heart, one that your mate, or mates, is suppose to fill, but since I have met my mates, I have been disconnected. I see the way they all look eachother, and me, they love me just as much as eachother, but I can't help but feel left out, I haven't had time to connect with all of them like they have with eachother, and I want to be able to change that.

I hum in satisfaction when I finally get Blaze into our room amd up into the bed with Maddox and Josiah. I crawl on the bed and cuddle up between Josiah and Maddox. Wanting just the little bits of warmth in my heart before I leave, breaking their, along with mine, heart.

I few minutes later I reluctantly move away from the inviting warmth and give them all a lingering peck on their foreheads. I do the same with Fitz before turning and walking out of the room.

Tears once again fill my eyes as I walk by myself out of the packhouse, and into the woods. I know where I need to go. I remember my pack from all those years ago, I wish I could forget, but when faced with that much pain, from one place, but multiple people, it's hard to forget something as dramatic as this. I wish i could forget about them, and with thr help of my mates, I probably could have, hut now tgey have taken my pup, I cannot let them get away with this. If I do, then they win, all the pain they caused me when I was younger, all thehurt, fear, regret, they will have won, they will have won the war that we have been fighting since I was born.

I can't let them win. I can't let them destroy my pup's life like they destroyed my own. I won't let them destroy anymore people's lives. I won't allow it. I wont allow it to go on for another eight years because I'm afraid.

With a new purpose I shift into Ash, letting him take over, my emotions, my body, and my mind. I let myself become a beast, because to kill my father, that is what I'll have to be, a beast.

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