Chapter 43

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I blink rapidly as I wake up again. We have just pulled into pack lands and I feel the connecting of the pack link reconnecting with me. I turn to see Blaze watching me with a small smile on his face. I blush from his gaze before looking away, only to look at him from underneath my lashes. Blaze smirks at my reaction before turning to look out his window as we pull up the long driveway to the pack house.

After I told then I love them, and they me, I feel asleep, so it hasn't really been brought up much, but I'm sure now that we are back, and everything has been resolved, then we'll have plenty of time to discuss our profounded love.

"Daddy, is Fitz gonna be there when we get back?" Finn asks me as he shakes my arm. My heart drops when I see the hopeful look in his eyes and my heart goes out for him, hopefully him and Fitz will be able to mend their broken bond before they turn the age to find out each other are their mates.

"I'm sure he will be, we might have to go find him though." I tell him as I grab his hand and give him a small hopeful smile. Finn blushes but nods his head and watches out of the front window impatiently wiggling in his seat.

With the way he is acting I don't think that him and Fitz will have a problem fixing their bond.

We pull up to the pack house and Finn pushes on my thigh to get me to exit the car so he can get out. I smile at him before sliding out if the car, I  groan when I feel the soreness in my thighs from all the running I did when I was getting Finn back, and from sitting in the car all day long.

Finn giggles as he drags me behind him into the pack house. He leads us through the mazes of  hallways before we get to our bedroom. I open the door for him and he is off like a rocket into Fitz's room.

I hear laughing coming from in there so I know nothing is wrong. Blaze, Josiah and Maddox all file in behind me before directing me to the living area ro sit down.

Maddox grunts as he grabs my arm that had been shredded up from Marie. I purse my lips as his eyes take over the injury before his questioning eyes turn to me.

"It was when I was about to leave. Marie, is a jealous bitch and decided  she wanted to leave me with this to remember her." I say as I shrug my shoulders.

"Does it hurt?" Josiah asks as he looks over Maddox's shoulder and winces when he sees the damage.

"No, it's almost healed. It should be fine by tomorrow. You don't need to worry about me. I want to worry about the three of you." I say as I smile at them.

"Worry about us? What's there to worry about?" Blaze asks as he settled down on the other side of me.

"Well, I have to show my mates I love them right, I mean, I did just run away from home. I think I should be punished." I teased as I I lean my head back on Blaze's chest. I feel it rumble with a purr as his hand come and begin stroking my chest.

Maddox and Josiah watch with heavy lidded eyes. Blaze's lips descend on my neck and I let out a breathy moan, causing Josiah and Maddox to jump into action. In about five seconds I am layed flat on my bed with three hungry males hovering over me in only their boxers.

"How is this going to work?" I pant as Maddox plants kisses down my sweaty chest.

"Well, for us to actually claim you, all three of us have to be in you at once." I bawk at Blaze who wiggles his eyebrows at me.

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