Chapter 11

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"A hybrid? How is that possible? We saw you in your bear shift!" Maddox exclaimed as he gestured around my body widely with his hands. Josiah nodded next to him looking like a bobble head that was being shook by a two year old.

"You idiots do realize hybrids can shift into more then one shift, right?" Xavier grumbled from behind me as he held Ajax close to his chest. I knew he was worrying about his son and his status, they weren't sure if he was going to end up as a hybrid, bear shifters don't shift until their eighth birthday, wolves and cats are born in their shifts.

"What? No, that isn't possible." Blaze said as he shook his head. I rose a single eyebrow at him before ripping off my shirt. His outraged expression turned to lust as he scanned my body. I scoffed at him before taking of my jeans. I leave my underwear on since I'm not sure either one of then would be able to handle seeing me completely naked right now.

I drop down onto my hands and knees as I let Throne take over my body. I stretched out when my brown form was completely shifted. Throne's chest rumbled as he trotted over to Maddox and rubbed his body all over his legs. My head came up to his chest, so Throne pushed his muzzle into his chest in soothing touches.

Throne's rumbles turned growls of pleasure when Maddox's hand came down and scratches behind my ears. I can hear Nixon yowling in my head to be let out, so with a sigh, Throne let's Nixon over take our body.

Nixon purr is a rumble as he jumps up into Josiah's arms. He licks across his faces as Josiah's arms shake while holding us up. Nixon nuzzles into Josiah's neck before jumping down and walking over to Finn and Fitz. Our pups squeal at me before shifting into their own lions before the jump around onto Nixon. Nixon let's out a slight growl when Fitz nips his ear too hard, but other wise, stays quiet as the pups have their fun.

Maddox, Josiah, and Blaze watch with content smiles on their faces while gazing at the three of us. Ash is grumbling in my head about seeing his mate, and I know he is about to over throw Nixon. I let Ash take control after the pups run off to Bailey to play with him.

Ash slouches up to Blaze before grunting in his face.

"Sorry, baby, I don't know what 'uh' means. You'll habe to use your words." Ash only grunts again before, embarrassingly, nuzzling his snout into Blaze's neck. He sniffs his scent before pulling away. All four of us gaze into Blaze's eyes as he gazes into mine, and I don't know why, but something clicks. Something happens, something monumental, something that shows me that we can stay here, and be safe.

I see trust in Blaze's eyes. He isn't scared of me, of my shifts. All he sees is his mate, and that we are all that he needs. He doesn't need a women, he doesn't need some slut that sells out her body for pleasure. Even if we never have sex, which, sadly, we will end up having (I wish I could be strong and say no, but I know that they will eventually get me to say yes), I know that they wouldn't care. All they would want is me, our pups, and hopefully, this is kind of a longshot, our pack.

I shift back into my human form and stare into Blaze's chest, although not even two seconds ago I could look into his beautiful chocolate eyes. I look up and catch his heated gaze, and for some unknown reason, one that will never be known to humankind, I launched my body forward and attached my lips to his in a frenzy.

We both groaned at the contact, and in the back of my mind I could identify the sounds of awwing, most likely Bailey, since apparently love stories are his thing, and the sound of someone else kissing. I break away from Blaze and turn to see Josiah and Maddox in an intense make out session, one that I'm sure Blaze and I just completed also.

Josiah and Maddox break away before coming toward us. Josiah reaches for me as Maddox goes to Blaze, once again the four of us are in an intense make out before we once again pull away and switch partners. I laugh into Maddox's kiss when my eyes slide open and I see Bailey behind us pretending to faint and fan himself from the 'intense amout of hotness right in front of his very eyes.'

Maddox places me back on the ground and pulls off his shirt before giving it to me. It covers just under my butt and I blush when I realize I had just kissed all three of my mates with out any clothes on.

"Fine, I'll give this a chance, but if I'm not liking it...." I threaten with a smile on my face.

"Oh trust me baby, you'll like it." I hear Bailey mutter from behind us. I laugh but don't say anything else as I gaze at my family, that now has three new memebers.

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