Chapter 8

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It only takes a few minutes to reach the clearing where I had found Kali and Finn. I can smell ourselves all over the clearing along with the diminishing scents of the Warriors that had been here earlier.

Fitz jogs fowards and grabs my hand before looking up at me. I sigh exasperated before being down and hoisting him up onto my hip. Finn comes forwards a second later and gives me the same look. I only groan as I heave him up onto my other hip. They are way to big to be carried, but I can't help it when they give me their little puppy dog eyes.

I waddle after Maddox more than actually walking. I saw Maddox looking behind him a few times and smiling at my predicament. I'm glad he doesn't attempt to take one of them from me, because I don't trust him enough with my pups as of yet. He obviously told his Warriors not to harm us, but that doesn't change that fact that we were surrounded by them.

We part from the woods a few short minutes later and all of us look around at the empty lot of land behind the big house, no, mansion, in front of us. I guess all of the pups and parents would be having dinner now, so it will be easier for us to get inside without being noticed by too many people. A thing that I am not really comfortable with doing right now, meeting people.

"Most of the pack should be eating dinner, or in their rooms. Of course there is always the roudy teenager who doesn't want to eat with the rest and eats in the living room or common rooms. So, we hopefully won't cross paths with anyone on our way to my office." Maddox said as he led us across the large lot.

When we reached halfway through the lot my nose started twitching as a smell hit me. Before I could think of what I was doing, I set down Finn and Fitz and followed where then scent was leading me.

"Hey! Tobias? Where are you going?" I heard Josiah yell as he jogged to catch up with me, but I was already at the door of where the smell was coming from. I opened the door and hurried down the spiral stairs.

Down on the bottom floor was a line of cells, but they were a lot nicer then the ones that my pack had. They each had a nice double size bed, an enclosed space for them to shower and go to the bathroom, and a table for them to eat there food on.

I could here Josiah and Maddox stumbling down the stairs to reach me, but I had already made it to the cell that the smell, that I can now identfy as chocolate strawberries, is coming from.

I stared in shock at the sven foot man as he ambled his way to the cell door. He looked me up and down before looking at Maddox and Josiah who had stopped a good two yards away from me. They stared away the man in shock also, not just from his height, but the fact that once again, they were meeting their mate.

"This certainly is a surprise." The man said. His voice was so deep that I'm sure the ground rumbled when he spoke. The way his lips moved was sensual, the curved everything he spoke almost as if he was holding back a smile. His jaw was strong and firm, it looked as if could cut myself if I even nicked it. His hair is a deep chocolate brown with golden brown eyes to match. His nose is straight, but looks as if someone had broken it in the past.

Overall? He is hot, sexy, gorgeous. One of the most beautiful specimens in the world, along with Maddox and Josiah. But while this man had the giant-teddy-bear-feel, Maddox had the grumpy-soft-guy-kind-of-feel, while Josiah seemed to be the joker-but-serious-when-needed-to-be out of the four of us. Me? Honestly I don't know what I was doing in the middle of these four men, but I seemed to be the center of all of this.

I was the hybrid. Cat, wolf, bear. Josiah, Maddox, The hunk of a man standing in front of me.

"Oh shit." I whimpered as I looked between the three males surrounding me. The man's gaze in front of me sharpened as he lips curved again in that almost-smile.

"I think you just said a bad word, baby?" He questioned, I was wrong. He might be the joker of the group, with the shit eating grin on his face, I can already tell he is going to be more trouble then I originally thought. Not that I have thought much about him, no, I was about independent man, a man who didn't need another man to tell him what to do, and how to live. Right?

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