Chapter 17

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After spend ten minutes spent against the doors crying I finally pulled myself together and rinsed my face off with cold water. My eyes were puffy and my face was red, both obvious signs that I had been crying.

I haven't heard Finn say or do anything since I uttered the two words that broke my heart. I didn't want to hear his voice anyways. Yelling that he hates all the rules that I set in place to keep him, and the pack safe, to keep my family safe.

I know others must have heard because the pack house has been quiet since our argument ended. Nothing around here seems to get unnoticed, and our argument is no different. I haven't met anyone in the pack besides Maddox, Nixon, and the newest member, Blaze. I have met the Warriors of course, but I don't even rememeber any of their lovely faces. I hope once names are exchanged and apologies are given that I will be happily added to the pack.

My heart jumps in my throat when I hear a knock on the bathroom door. The knock was too strong to be Finn, or even Fitz, so I don't know who it could be.

"You can come in." I mutter quietly as I play with the lose string on the hand towel. I look up as the person enters and am pleasently surprised when I see Josiah coming through the door before shutting it behind him.

He surprises me further when he reaches forward and wraps his strong arms around my waist and putting his chiseled face into my shoulder. I don't have time to be embarrassed with how I look or how he is touching me before the dam breaks lose again.

"I don't know what I did wrong. I just tried to keep everyone safe." I blubber as I continue to cry into Josiah's really soft hair. Josiah's hand rubs up and down my back as the other cups the back on my head and slowly guides it to his neck.

"You did nothing wrong, baby. He's just going through a faze, all teenagers do it, some a little earlier the others, but it always happens." Josiah explains calmly as he continues his soothing motions. I am putty in his hands as he rubs down my tense body into a puddle of glue.

"I told him to leave, did he really leave?" I ask thickly. I don't know why, but the idea that he did hurts me a lot worse then I am willing to admit.

"He left your room, but he only went to Xavier and Charlotte's room, to see Kalani I presume. He seemed fine when I went to go check on him." Knowing that he wasn't bothered by the conversation at all made sadness flow through my blood, and that he deliberately went back to hanging out with Kalani when she is the reason our whole family is falling apart.

"He loves you, Tobias. He just needs time to realize that the world isn't always going to be the way he wants it to be." Josiah mutters in my hair a final time before pulling away from me and grabbing the hand towel I had dropped on the ground. He wiped my face off quickly before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the bathroom and to the - still - unmade bed. He grinned back at me before hopping into the bed and turning back to me. I gave him a small forced smile in return, just to make him happy. He beamed back at me before patting the bed.

"Come on baby, we can watch T.V while we wait for Maddox or Blaze to come find us. They'll be so jealous when they see the two of us cuddled up on your bed." I blushed but hopped into the bed anyway. I curled up in his arms as he turned the T.V. on and switched it to the movie channel, which apparently, was showing a movie about werewolves, something Josiah found completely halarious.

"Man, I love watching these movies and how much they butcher them. It's amazing." He leaned back into the bed and pulled me so I was curled up in between his legs. I was too mentally drained to do anything more then blush before settling back into his chest for the movie.

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