Chapter 38

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I pant as I stare at the unaware patrol man 'watching' the border. I have been watching his movements, which have been limited. He hasn't moved in the past ten minutes, using his ears instead of his eyes to listen for any intruders, which is to his disadvantage since I have become skilled in the skill of silent walking with years of hunting in the woods.

If I was any normal rouge, his technique would work, but I'm not, and I never will be. I may have a pack now, but that doesn't mean I will ever forget what I have done and accomplished in my life.

I decide to take another few steps forward, the see if I'll be able to inch my way past him without him even knowing. I'm lucky I took the small vial that we were planning to use to block out our scents, so they won't be able to smell me before I even get a mile within the border.

I make  it a few yards from the patrol guard before a voice came over the walke-talke on his waist.

"Roger, Samual is calling for you, he needs you now, I'll be in your spot in a few minutes, but you need to leave now." The patrol gaurd says something to the other man before running off in the direction of the pack house.

I take the chance and follow him swiftly and quietly, snickering to myself as he literally leads me to his pack house, and nobody would question it if I am running in with one of the patrol men.

My luck continued as I see the empty front yard to the pack house. The patrol man veers to  the building on the side of the house, most likely a base that they made after I left.

I make my way to the house and slip  inside quietly. I'm hit with a feeling of familiarity. The walls are still the same color from when I left, the same carpets, the same furniture. The same everything. Even the same scent, vanilla and cranberries, I always associated the smell with home, but now, it just brings me memories of a woman hating me and a man trying to not let the woman murder me in my sleep.

I can hear some people in the kitchen, a few women giggling about something that probably doesn't have any meaning to me, so I continue down the hall and make my way to the stairs and follow the path that my father took me the one day and end up outside their room.

I don't hear any noises coming from the inside so I continue on to the meeting room that I've heard my father talking about sometimes. I listen and once again its quiet. I sigh as I turn in a circle, where would they all be?

I continue to walk around the house, listening behind doors and hiding in empty rooms when someone came down the hallway, until finally I notice a group of people sitting outside.

My family.

My two younger sisters and younger brother are laughing at something as Marie smiles at them, but my father is staring into the woods with a frown on his face. Marie notices my father isn't laughing with them and nudged his shoulder, the smile on her face now gone.

My father smiles tightly at her before turning back to the forest and continuing to stare with the same troubled frown on his face.

I know my father isn't forgivable for letting Marie do the things to me that she did, but if the way he is acting is any consolation. I think he feels bad for it, and that's the first step for realizing that he needs to change something, it's sad that he would have  to chose between what he thinks is right, or his mate.

Quick authors note -
I couldn't remember if I had said how many siblings Tobias had or what their names are, so bare with me because they will be mentioned in the next couple of chapters, If I have them mentioned in another chapter it would be well appreciated if you could tell me which chapter and I'll go back and fix it.

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