Chapter 31

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I don't like the way we had to find Finn. It's not fair to either one of them. They love eachother, they don't need this kind of thing to tear them apart, they are brothers, or are they.

The conversation we just had with Fitz's wolf just indicated that somewhere down the road they might be more then just brothers.

I bring Tobias back to bed and coo him to sleep. The is so tired, and he doesn't even known it. All the changes he has gone through in the past few weeks would have tired anyone out, he's held strong, but even the strongest need a time to be broken, and we can have him breaking until after we get Finn. Then we'll push until he cries out all of his frustration and pain, and we will be there for him, for every step of it.

I head down the hallway to Maddox's office. I'm glad that we dilecided that Josiah will continue to be the 'Luna' in terms of pack filing and such. He has experience in what he needs to do, and he knows what pack life is like, Tobias and I would have been out of our minds if we took over. So we decided it would be best if Josiah continued to help Maddox with pack things.

I enter the office, catching, the lip locking men's attention.

"Seriously?" I ask as I shut the door behind me. Josiah gets out of Maddox's lap and pulls his clothes straight, while Maddox only sits there and let's his large bulge be seen to all of us.

"We have a problem." I say as I sit down in the seat across from Maddox. I pat my lap and Josiah sits softly on the edge of my knee. I pull him so his back is against my chest.

"What's wrong?" Maddox asks as he sits up, much more alert then he was when he was stuck in his lust-induced state a second ago.

"Fitz and Finn might be mates, and we just broke their bond." I say blunty, ripping of the metaphorically band-aid.

"How do you know this?" Josiah asks quickly as he turns around. He blushes when he feels me growing underneath him.

"Sorry." He mumbles as he straightens his spine and becomes increasingly still.

"Didn't say I minded. Anyways, about ten minutes ago Tobias and I were talking with Fitz. His lion took over and basically said that we can't let Finn die because they need him. He passed put after it, but Tobias got a weird look on his face. I think he already suspects what's going on." Our baby is smart, very perceptive.

Maddox is thinking as he stares at the two of us. Josiah is blushing from both my comment and the attention he is getting from Maddox. It makes me wonder if Tobias is the only submissive in our group, no matter how much Josiah denies it, we will have to talk about it so when we plan on mating.

"This is bad. We could have possibly just messed up everything. If Finn and Fitz don't recreate their bond, then they wouldn't know they are mates, and then, they would be considered lone wolves, because they wouldn't ever know that their mate is literally right in front of them."

We all stare at eachother as we think about what could really happen to the small little boys future. They could live lonely, never to know that their mate was actually right in front of them.

They would never be happy.

I come to the conclusion that I will do everything in my power to recreate those boys' bond, if not for them, and their future, then for Tobias, our mate, and I'm sure all of us are thinking the same thing by the look in Josiah's and Maddox's eyes.

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