Chapter 5

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MY chest heaved as I fought to get my breath. I felt Finn and Kayli grab onto my thighs, I sigh in relief, as much as I can, that they are okay. I almost suffered a sneezing attack for them and I already know Finn is going to be in trouble, with the Alpha and his father, Kayli is lucky enough to just get by with what her alpha is going punish her with.

My gaze was still locked on the two newcomers, my apparent mates, but I was aware of everything that was going on around me. I could feel the gaze of all of the Warriors ready to strike if they were giving the go ahead to attack, but the most apparent was the lingering gazes of the idiots standing in front of me. They could at least try and not openly stare at my d!ck!

"What the fu(k?" I groan as I push myself up onto my knees. I feel Kayli's and Finn's arms wrap around my waist instead of my legs. I rub my chest where I can still feel the lingering pain from my short attack. I groan a final time before grabbing Finn and Kayli to bring them in front of me. I growl at them before showing my teeth. They whimper and tilt their necks in submission.

"I'm sorry daddy, we found a bunny and wanted to bring it back for the pack, I swear." Finn cries as big crocodile tears pour out of his eyes. My eyes soften as I see him crying but I know that I have to be the alpha now and not his daddy.

"We're sorry alpha, we promise to never do it again!" Kayli cries as she wraps her arms around my neck. I grunt when Finn joins her and almost knocks me onto my back. I growl again and they pull back. I notice Kayli's lip wobble so I know I have been tough enough on them.

"I'll deal with you two later." I tell them as I stand up and move them back behind me. I look up to notice the confusement and amazement on their faces.

"Alpha, you're seriously an alpha?" One of the Warriors asks. My wolf doesn't like his tone and in response curls his lips back and let's out a ferocious growl. The guys eyes widened comically before he stumbled away from me.

I didn't know I had been approaching the poor guy until a pair of arms wrapped around my waist along with hands on my chest. Throne and Nixon purred in approval as the sparks trail over my body as my d!ck slowly started to grow. I wanted to growl out in frustration but I knew that they probably did the right thing with holding me back.

"Its alright mate, he wasn't challenging you." A baritone voice murmured in my ear. I shiver as I felt his lips tracing me earlobe, which he is obviously doing on purpose to calm me down, and sad to say, it is working marvelously.

"If he was, Maddox and I would beat his head in until he realised he should praise every single part of you." The one in front of me said, I assume he was talking about the guy behind me, who I am assuming is Maddox.

"Josiah is right baby, we would do anything to make you feel welcome." I guess the brown haired one is called Josiah, otherwise these two have a problem with talking in third person, which is totally unatractive.

"You don't even know me." I say in what I hope is an even voice but I can hear the small quiver in my voice. The hands on my body started rubbing in soothing motions and I could hear Throne and Nixon puring even louder at an embarrassing rate.

"Oh, baby, by the end of the week, we will know everything about you. Your likes and dislikes, in every way possible." Maddox grated into my ear. I couldn't help the shiver the emitted from his obvious double meeting and I knew that the smirk on Josiah's face looks simular to the one on his.

"Tobias!?" I hear Xavier yell from the right of us. I broke free from my two captures and launched myself at him before he could tear into one of them and make this messier then it already is. With the speed he was going both of us fell to the ground and I groaned as the breath was knocked out of me again.

"Don't, they won't harm us." I gasp out to Xavier as he stood up to fight. He turned back to me with his eyebrows raised and his hands on his hips, sometimes he has more sass then his pregnant wife.

"And why not?" He growled out as he grabbed Kayli and Finn and pushed then towards Bailey. I watched them for a second before looking back at him, but as I opened my mouth someone beat me to the punch.

"Are you okay, mate." Maddox asked as he pulled me off of the ground. Him and Josiah used their hands to wipe of all the dirt and crunched up leaves on my body, their hands lingering a few times too long.

Xavier's eyes popped open in shock and his mouth opened making a Oh shape. Bailey had a simular look on his face, but mostly he was checking out the warriors, and I really don't expect anything less from him.

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