Chapter 35

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Tobias' POV

Today is the day. Today is the day that we are going to get Finn back. Today is the day thay I'll finally have both of my pups in my arms again, safe and sound, away from all the harm that the world could possible damage them with.

I was worried, beyond worried. What if the plan doesn't go according to plan? What if Finn is no longer where he was when we broke the bond? What if my father realizes I'm me and decided he wants to kill me for trespassing on the lands after I had been banished? What would happen to my pups? To my mates? I can't let then down, not just for me, I don't care if i live or die while saving Finn, I love him, willing to die for him, but what would happen to them if I did die, my mates would be content, but always having the hallow feeling in their chest telling them that they aren't complete, Finn would always blame himself for my death, and Fitz eouldnt be able to function, he would sit in bed all day and stare at the wall blankly, his way of coping.

I couldn't do this to them, I couldn't let them slowly wash away wirh grief. I had to safe Finn, but also make it out of this alive, while making sure no one knows my true plan.

I can't let them help me.

I know i promised them I wouldn't do this alone, that I wouldn't go off by myself and try to be the hero, but I can't. I can't possibly let them come with me if I know thay they are going to possibly get hurt. I can't let anymore guilt fall unto my shoulders.

We had planned to leave tonight, at sun down, but I got some sleeping drugs that I am going to use on them, put them in their dinner, and hope they don't realize what is happening. Of course I know that they will be extremely angry at me when I return, probably ground me for life, but it's what had to be done. I can't let them go through with this, the plan never would have worked. It's better this way, this way, the only person to be hurt is me.


At dinner I make my mates plates, crushing the pills into their food as I go. I know it's deceitful, you aren't suppose to do this to your mate, but if this is the price of keeping them alive, then I'll do so.

"Thanks Tobias, you didn't have to do this." Maddox says as I set down the plate in front of him. I only smile and place a brief kids on his lips, repeating the process twice more before sitting down in my own seat.

Fitz is still sleeping, seeing as he is still in some pain, and very tired, we decided it would be best if we let him rest some more before bringing him dinner later.

"I wanted to tell you all how much i appreciated what you have done for all of us since we got here. I know if we would have shown up in any other pack territory they probably would kill us without asking any questions, so I'm glad were here." I say quiet as we eat our dinner. Maddox looks up at me and frowns.

"What are you talking about? We're mates, we wouldn't do anything to let harm come to you are anyone you care about. That's why we are more then willing to help you go get Finn." I notice his words becoming more and more slurred as he continues to speak. Tears fill my eyes as I stare at my mates, all confused.

"I'm sorry." I whisper as all their heads fall simultaneously onto their plates. A single tear falls from my cheek.

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