Chapter 23

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I drop Kalani's body on the floor before stepping over her and storming out of the room. She gave my pup to my father. The cruel man who ran me out of my pack, I either ran fast enough and lived, or was too slow and died.

I throw the front door of the pack house open before charging across the grass. I don't care how many sleepless nights it takes me to reach the godforsaken pack, because I'm not going to stop until I get my pup back.

"Tobias, come back! We need to talk this through, we need to make a game plan." I ignore Josiah as I continue running across the long ass yard. How much grass do you really need? I just need to get out of here, and the less grass there is the better.

"Tobias! Stop right now!" I feel Thorne whimper in my head when he hears Maddox's authoritive tone, but Ash wouldn't let him stop and he only continued to power energy into my legs.

I'm about five strides away from the trees when a body plows into mine from the side. The air is knocked out of my lungs as arms wrap around my torso firmly.

We roll a few feet before I end up on the ground gasping for breath underneath my attacker.

I grind my teeth as I make eye contact with Blaze. Maddox or Josiah must have called him, and he showed up just in the nick of time.

"Get off me." I say breathlessly as I push weakly on his wide chest. I pull feel tears building in my eyes. I needed to get away before I brake down, before I relive all that had happened to me at such away young age, because of one man who was meant to be my father, the one man who was meant to teach me all the things in life.

But instead he hurt me, he hurt me beyond repair. He hurt me so much that I can't handle the thought that my poor baby is there, with him, probably being hurt. I need to get him back, because I know what he is like.

"I can't do that, Tobias. We're in this together, and if you leave then we can't help you." He answers as he lifts his hips off of mine and pulls me up. He keeps a firm grip on my wrist as we stand waiting for Maddox and Josiah to catch up to us. They slowed to a walk when they saw that Blaze had intercepted my path.

"Where is Fitz?" I question quietly when I notice my other pup isn't anywhere to be seen.

"I told him to go straight to the pack house, no matter what he saw." Blaze said as he turns and winks as me. In my weak state a blush freely travels over my cheeks, and it makes me feel horrible, because here I am, blushing with my mate while Finn is with my abusive father, who may or may not be hurting him.

Blaze must realize my mood change because he pulls my wrist and tucks me again this larger body. I never thought that I would be comforted by a man so huge, but I guess there is a first for everything. I just hope this isn't one of those one time only things.

Maddox and Josiah finally reach us, both of their faces are blank, but I can see the worry tensing in their eyes.

"What happened in there, Tobias? First people are saying a girl is attacking two boys, and then when I show up you snap her neck? I don't know what happened, but you better start explaining." Maddox growled as his eyes intensified. I knew he was angry I caused harm to someone in the pack, but when he finds out what she did to Ajax, Emerson, and Finn, he is going to change his mind.

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