Chapter 30

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"Tobias, wake up. Fitz is asking for you." I groggily open my eyes. I notice Blaze is sitting on the side of the bed and is petting my hair back. I didn't even feel him move when Fitz had woken up. He also didn't wake me up like he said.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier like you said you would?" I ask as I push up from the bed and rub my fist against my eyes.

"I tried baby, I really did, but you were out like a light. I let you sleep for another hour before I came to get you." I scrunch my nose up but don't complain. It isn't his fault that I refused to wake up, I just didn't think I was so tired that I would pass out like I did.

"Sorry, is he still in his room?" I ask as I get out of bed and go to the bathroom to quickly brush my teeth. All of my mates said they don't mind morning breath if they get to kiss me in the morning, but I refuse to kiss them or let them kiss me before both have brushed their teeth in the morning.

Blaze smirks at me when he sees me hurrying to the bathroom. He gets up and leans against the bathroom door as I brush my teeth.

"Yeah, I said it would be best if he stayed in bed for a little while. He agreed, but hasn't eaten anything yet. I was hoping that you could cheer him up a little bit. He seems a little depressed, but that is to be expected after breaking a bond like his and Finn's was." I nod but don't comment on how strong their bond really is.

I haven't shared with anyone else about what my suspicions are with them, but I'm almost positive they are mates. The way Fitz acts when Finn ignores him is the biggest factor, but also when Finn gets angry or sad when Fitz is sad about something someone said or did to him. They both have the characteristics of what mates are to eachother, but I could also be misplacing it for the bond they have together as twins, but I highly doubt it.

"Hey baby." I coo to Fitz when I finally make it to his room. Fitz smiles at me but I can still see the pain lingering in his eyes and his facial expression making my heart clench for my pup. I never want to see him in this kind of pain again, and if I have to put him in a bubble for the rest of his life I will, because seeing your pup in pain is the worst feeling in the world, that I have felt so far, that is.

"Hi daddy." I smile at Fitz before taking a spot on the edge of the bed. Blaze sits down behind me and puts one of his hands on my shoulder. It's calms me down but I can still feel my muscle tighten in anger at the idea of someone hurting my pup.

"How are you feeling baby? Are you hungry?" I ask as I slowly put my hand on top of his hair and brush back the hair laying on his forehead.

"I'm okay daddy, and I'm not really hungry." I frown as I look at him. He hasn't eaten anything all day, he should be hungry by now. I decide I shouldn't push him after all he went through.

"Alright, maybe in an hour or so. I have good news though. They got the location of where Finn is, they are just trying to find out what pack it is and how long it is going to take to get there." I don't mention that I pretty much already know what pack and how far it is, but we had to be sure before we stormed the wrong pack and they didn't have Finn.

"Daddy." Tears fill Fitz's eyes suddenly as he hand reaches out for me. I scoot closer and take his hand.

"What's wrong baby? I thought you would be happy?" I ask confused. He went though all of this pain and he isn't happy with the fact that we found what we are looking for?

"They are hurting him." I'm shocked when I don't hear Fitz's voice anymore and Zambian - Fitz's lion - takes over.

"I know, baby, but we will get him back, we won't let anyone hurt either of you ever again." I tell him although I can hear the own doubt in my voice. What if we don't find him? What if we are too late?

"Please, don't let anyone hurt him. We need him." Zambian whimpers as he squeezes my hand. I wince at the pain but don't let go.

"I promise, I won't let anyone hurt him ever again, you have my word Zambian." Fitz stares at me through golden hazel eyes that I know are Zambian's.

"Thank you." Fitz eyes shuts and he falls back into a dreamless sleep. I rememeber his words though. Don't let anyone hurt him, we need him. If I didn't have any suspicions before, I do now.

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