Chapter 33

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Josiah's POV

I sigh as I go over the plan in my head over again. I'm suppose to be sleeping, with Blaze's arms wrapped around me and Maddox's around Tobias, it should be easy for me to fall into a dreamless sleep, but it's not, and judging by the snores coming from behind me everyone else isn't having problems sleeping.

I keep going over and over in my head how the plan will go. We run to the pack teritory, walk in as if we own the place - because if you act like you shouldn't be there then you are most likely going to get caught - find Finn, and then run out of there with our tails between our legs.

I don't necessarily agree with the plan. They all assume I'm the voice of reason in our relationship, that I wouldn't ever want to rip the heads off of the men who decided they were going to steal our pup.

But I am, and all I want to do is get revenge for our pup, who's innocence was taken away from him when he was taken out from underneath our arms.

Everyone doesn't want to assume that the plan is going to fail, but if it does, and but the gnawing feeling in my gut, I feel as if it will, I'll fight to the death to avenge everything they had done to my pup, my mates, and everyone else who has been hurt in the process of this whole mess.

I'll make sure they get what they deserve.

"Josiah, go to sleep mate." Blaze whispers in my ear before giving me a brief kiss on my forehead that sends a million tingles through my body.

"I'm worried." I say breathlessly as I relish in the feel on my mates touch.

"I know baby, we all are, but you need your rest otherwise I'll tell Maddox that you can't come with us because your head won't be in the game. I don't want to, but if I have to because I don't want you to do something stupid and die, then I will. Mark my words baby." Blaze grumbles in my ear as he holds me tighter around my waist. I was mad that I was the small apoon, but there was no was I would be able to big spoon him.

"What if it goes bad anyways. What if Finn is hurt, or we get caught, or one of us gets hurt. I don't think we would be able to move on if one of us didn't make it back, but then how would we live with ourselves if we didn't even try and bring Finn back?" I ask was I roll over so we could be face to face

"We are going to do whatever it takes to get our pup back, and none of us are going to get hurt, I'm not going to day we won't be caught, because we most likely will be, but we need to do this, because like you said, none of us would be able to live with ourselves if we didn't even try." I sigh before rolling my eyes.

"You just said everything I just said." I say blankly as I looking into his mirth-filled eyes.

"I know baby. Now, go to sleep." I sigh but nod and close my eyes.

Hopefully the next time I go to sleep I'll have a million less thoughts on my mind and another pup sleeping in the next room.

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