Chapter 6

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"Wait a minute, both of them?" Xavier finally exclaimed as he looked between Josiah and Maddox who seem to be fluttering behind me to make sure I am okay. Which I am, I'm an alpha, not a prissy little girl, I'm not gonna break from falling over.

"Apparently so." I mummur as I turn my gaze back to him. The last few minutes had been awkward to say the least. Xavier and Bailey are standing a few yards away from my while Maddox and Josiah are close to two inches from my back. The Warriors had awkwardly left after they had realised that we weren't going to be a threat to their alpha and his mate, since I'm his mate too...

"But, how is that possible? I mean, first you are completely sexy, a totally hot bod, then you meet two totally sexy guys, your mates, who are also total hot bods, when I haven't even been laid in two weeks!" Bailey whined as he stomped his feet on the ground. I narrow my eyes as I look at him. Two weeks?

"When have you had the time to 'hook up'?" I ask him. His eyes go wide and his face turns red.

"What do you mean? I haven't hooked up ever in my life. I am only 21, that's way too young for casual sex." Bailey tried to dig himself out of the hole but he just kept getting further and further down. I feel Thorne pacing around my head as he tries to smell if Bailey has been sexually active lately, but I know if I didn't smell it a week or so ago, then I'm not going to smell it now.

"We'll talk about this later." I growl put at him. He whimpers and shows his neck in submission. I nod at him and Xavier before turning around to my mates.

"I'm assuming that you want us to come back to your pack house?" I ask them. They both nod. I sigh as I turn back around to Xavier and Bailey.

"Let's go get the others. I'm sure Fitz will want to see you Finn." I say directing my gaze to Finn for the first time since our discussion earlier. He nods before lifting his arms out to me. I sigh before picking him up. He wraps his legs around my waist and buries his face into my neck.

"Don't think you're out of trouble just because you're acting cute." I mutter in his ear. He nods but doesn't let go.

"Let's go, then." I say as I start in the direction I came from. Bailey grabs Kayli and walks side by side with Xavier, knowing I am still mad at him for his 'hook ups' that we all know really did happen. Josiah and Maddox jog to catch up with me and walk side by side with me. I mentally groan as I think about introducing them to the pack, we really don't need this right now.


He is just to sexy for his own good. The sexy little sway in his hips as he walks with his pup in his arms. I can feel my fingers twitching to reach out and touch his silky soft skin again, but I know he will be more resistant to me, us, then Josiah had been, and the feisty little cat was almost too much for me to handle at times. Not that I would ever tell him that, or anyone for that matter.

Tobias has already shown his dominant nature more then once in the few minutes that Josiah and I had been around him, and I know that he must be an Alpha born, even if he isn't the first born, he will be powerful no matter what.

I'm confused of the pack he has though. He is an Alpha bear shifter, but his pups were cat shifters, and one of the men with him, Bailey I think he said, was a wolf shifter. It obviously doesn't make a difference since my own pack has many different species, more then just wolves.

Over the past decade or so, most packs have been domesticated to a sort. Now most packs don't segregate hybrids and we don't hunt and kill other species. Rouges are always are wild card, but most packs want to try and help the Rouges before we instantly kill them, otherwise my mate would most likely be dead, along with his ragtag group.

Of course there is are ways the packs who don't follow the norms of what is changing. It is mostly the southern states who cling to the idea that hybrids and other species are still against the law. Most of them are actually sympathetic to rouges, which I think is completely twisted, but I can't go tell other alphas how to run their packs.

We have been walking for about five minutes, and only now am I starting to hear the noise of a few people close to us. I could also smell the overpowering smell of rouges, so I knew we were getting closer.

Xavier, Bailey, and the girl parted the vines before plunging into what I could tell from my short glimpse, was a clearing. Tobias took a few longer strides and reached the vine wall first amd parted the wall for Josiah and I. He blushed as he did so, so I am assuming that his bear took over to make him do it.

"Thank you." Josiah and I muttered as we walked into the clearing. I could see four more rouges. A women, who looks severely pregnant, two kids who look to be toddlers, and a Finn-look-a-like, he must be Fitz, if I am correct in my assuming.

"This is my pack, we don't really have a name. I guess you could say we are more of a family then a pack." Tobias said as he pointed to the members across the clearing from us. I frown, more of a family then a pack? Pack is a family. Is that the reason rouges turn rouges? Because they don't have a family to count on and to love?

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