Chapter 40

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"You get off these lands right now, you monster." Marie shouts as she points a trembling finger at me. I frown at her before shaking my head.

"I already told you Marie. You took something that I want back, ans if you dont give it back i wont mind hurting you, after all the years of pain you put me through, I would actually enjoy it." I smirk sinisterly at her and watch in satisfaction as her eyes sudden in fear and she flinches away from me, more behind my father.

"Tobias, we don't know what you are talking about." My father stresses as he keeps his arms to the side, still trying to protect his family.

"You may not, your children may not, but your mate does." I say as I look over to him. "I'm not going to ask again." I say lowly. Finally he turns and looks at Marie with questioning eyes.

"Marie, what did you do?" He asks slowly as if he is preparing for her to blow up ay him, which I wouldn't be surprised if she did. I mean, I called her a bitch for a reason.

"The little shit deserved it. Shows him how it feels to have something taken away from them. Its painful isn't it?" She suddenly turns to me with malice in her eyes that I am sad to say that its not the first time I've seen it in my life.

"Yeah, but I also know that he's hear, I'm in your cellars, so if you don't bring me there, I'll snap your neck and get him myself." I growl as I step forward and my hands shoot to move around her neck. She squirms in my grip and I hear my father telling yelling at me to let her go and yelling at his children to run into the house.

"Now, bring me to him." I whisper in Marie's ear as I turn her and bring her in the direction of the cellars. Her feet drag but she tried to stay with me as we make the short walk to another building hidden deep in the woods so most of the pack don't even know it's there.

"Open it." I growl at my father as he stands behind us tensely, ready to do anything is I even make announce  that seems as if I am going to hurt his mate.

He slowly moves forward and uses his hand print to unlock the door. He walks in front of us, but makes sure to turn around every few seconds to make sure that we are still being him, and that his mate is still alive.

I push past him as I sniff the air, and a weight lifts off my chest when I smell Finn's distinct scent. I growl when I hear small whimpers coming from inside the room.

My neck cracks as Nixon almost forces my shift, but I push him back and walk down the stairs and into the  dark room. I follow Finn's scent before I'm brought to the last cell im the room.

My heart breaks when I see Finn curled in the corner. Arms over his head as he rocks back and forth, letting out small whimpers of fear.

"Finn, baby. It's okay, Daddy is here." I say quietly as I crouch down in front of the cell. Finn lifts his head and breaks out sobbing when he sees me. Tears fill my own eyes but I turn to my father who is staring at Finn in shock.

"Open it!' I shout out in anger when I see him just standing there. My father stumbles forward and pulls the keys out of his pocket. I see Marie standing behind hom, halting at me with he beady eyes. I growl at her ferociously, she backs up slightly in shock before composing herself.

My father opens the door and I'm instantly in he room amd cuddling Finn's shaking body in my arms.

"Its okay, Baby. It's okay, I'm going to bring you home, don't you worry. I missed you so much, Baby." I whisper in his ear as I  rock his  body back in forth. Finn clutches to my neck tightly as I stand up. I step out of the cell and growl at Marie to get out of my way. She only growls back  before swooping her hand at me that she had partially shifted into her claws. I hiss when I feel my skin in my forearm tear from the sharpness of her claws, but I only growl louder at her before pushing her away from me.

She may be the alpha mate, but technically I'm the next alpha in line. If she thinks she is stronger then me, then she is seriously confused.

She slams back into the wall and her head bounces off the cement. Marie crumbles to the ground as she looks up at me from underneath her eyelashes. I scoff at her before turning and walking out of the room. My father only stands in shock, not sure if he should be comforting his mate, or be helping his son.

"Get out of my way you coward, before I kill you!" I snarl at him when I notice he is blocking the way out of the cellars.

"Tobias, you have to know that I never knew she had done this. I never even ssuspected that she would do anything like this. I am so sorry.".  I stare at him mildly with only a hint of shock.

"If you keep her in line that I don't think we'll have anything to worry about, but if you, or her, mess with my family ever again, I won't hesitate to break your necks just like I did to Kayli's." I bark at him before pushing him to the side and rushing out if the cellars.

I feel the first tear fall as the pack members watch me walk away with Finn, who is also sobbing into my neck. I know I'll get hell from my mates when I get home, but right now, with everyone watching me just defeat the alpha and his wife with a few simple words, makes me feel like the strongest man in the world.

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