Chapter 28

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"I don't know how I feel about this." I admit quietly as I watched Fitz get ready to break his bond with Finn. We had to have a whole ceremony set for it, it was a bittersweet moment because we would find Finn, but Fitz would be in so much physical and mental pain.

"Me either, but it has to be done." Maddox said next to me before he squeezed my shoulder. I frown but nod nonetheless. It has to be done. I repeat the words over and over again in my head but it doesn't lessen my nerves any.

"He'll be fine. He's strong, stronger then any of us know. Plus, Mary is the best at this kind of stuff, not that we have to do these kind of things often, but she has trained for it since she was young. If she thinks that it isn't okay to do it, or that Fits is in danger at any time, she'll stop. I promise Fitz will be okay." I nod again at Maddox. His words soothed the side of me that thought this would go okay, but not the fatherly side that knew this wasn't right to do to my pup.

"Okay, I just want to talk to him for a minute, alone if that is okay." Maddox nods before herding everyone out of the room, Josiah, Maddox, and Blaze give me small kisses before smiling sadly and walking out. I frown as I look at Fitz. He's trying to act brave, but as his father, I can see the talkers briming in his eyes.

"Fitz, you don't have to do this. If I could take your place, I would." I say hoarsely as I sit next to him. Fitz smiles sadly at me.

"I love him, Daddy. I can't let him get hurt or die." Fitz said sadly while clutching his chest with his small hands. I caught his double meaning but I didn't question him on it, if and when he is ready to tell us and Finn about his feelings, he will, but I don't want to push him.

"If it's what you want, but I would never force you to do anything that could possibly harm you, so you have to be absolutely that you want to go through with this, because once we start, we can't stop." I whisper painfully when I see fear go through his eyes. I don't ever want to harm my pups, and lately that seems like the only thing I have been doing.

"I'd know Daddy. I promise that this is what I want. I want to get Finn back, even if it is going to hurt a little bit." I don't correct him saying it will hurt a lot, not a little, but I don't want to see anymore pain or fear go through his eyes today, I already know what is to come, but I need time to brace myself, and if I see him in pain, I'll call off the whole thing myself and get Finn back by myself.

"I love you, baby. You're so strong. I wish that I could have had your kind of strength when I was a kid, otherwise we wouldn't even be in this problem." I mumur as I glance around all the things set up for the bond breaking ritual that Maddox had set up. Everyday I wake up and think that if I was a little bit stronger, that maybe I would have been able to stand up to my father, show him his place and maybe cunage the fate that my pup would be in, but then if I was never banished, then I wouldn't have ever found Fitz or Finn, or Xavier, or Charlotte, and Ajax wouldn't have been born, or their new baby coming along the way, Emerson, Bailey. I never would have found my pack, and my mates. I most likely wouldn't have done all of the things I have, I would have never been through all the struggles that have made me, me.

I love my pack, I love my family. I just hope that someone up above realizes that, and gives me back my pup before it's too late.

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