Chapter 42

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I grunt when I feel a hand tangling in my hair. I move closer to where I feel the amazing sparks flowing through my body coming from the hand tangled in my hair. I hear a chuckle before lips press again my forehead. I roll over and open my eyes to see Balze standing above me with a small smile on his face. I smile back at him before looking over at Finn.

"Finn." I say as I shake his shoulders to wake him up. "Its time to go, Baby." I say as I sit up, pulling him up with me. Finn whines and only curls farther into my arms, his nose tickling my neck. I sigh as I pull him away from my neck and turn to Blaze, he opens his arms to show he would take Finn. I pass Finn to him before swinging my legs over the side of the bed and shakily standing up.

I follow after Blaze who leads me to the elevator, only to pass it to go down the stairs. I grunt in annoyance but follow after him. I don't want to let Finn out of my sight for the rest of my life, even if he is with one of my mates.

Blaze stays quiet as we walk down the stairs, but instead of going out the front like normal people would, we go out the back doors and a black car is sitting at the curb waiting for us. I rub my eyes, not really looking forward to all the yelling I'm bound to get, if Maddox's tone wasn't any indication when he hung up with me on the phone.

Blaze opens the back door and gestures for me to get in first. I do so slugishly and watch as he effortlessly climbs into the car and sits Finn between the two of us.

The car behind to move and I finally look up. Maddox is behind the wheel, and Josiah is sitting in the passenger seat. The ride is quiet as we make it out of the small town I somehow found myself in. Eventually, it gets too quiet.

"I know you're all mad at me. I just wanted to do what I thought was best for everyone." I say quietly as I look out the window, making sure my fingers are linked with Finn's just in case.

"You say that as if you are the boss of us." Josiah says as he continued to look ahead and out the front windshield.

"Well, that's all I really know how to do." I say akwardly as I mess with Finn's fingers in hope to calm myself down.

"Whats all you know how to do?" Blaze asks as he puts his arm over Finn's shoulder and his hand makes contact with my shoulder. The sparks helped relax me more as I stare at the head rest in front of me.

"Give orders and expect people to do what I say. Obviously I didn't like it when you all didn't agree with what I had to say. Being alpha, went to my head, and it effected how I thought our relationship should have been." I say quietly as I continue to avoid eye contact with any of them.

"I know what I did was stupid, and probably hurt you all more then I thought, but part of me is still the rouge alpha that feels like I have to do everything by myself. The same man who would do anything to keep my pack safe, anything to keep the people I love safe. I guess it's a flaw of mine, since my parents didn't love me enough, I love too much, and get myself into sh*t like this." I grumble as I wave my hand around irritatedly.

"Its not a character flaw to love with all your heart, Tobias. It's partially our fault, we should have realized that we can't just change the way you have acted for the past nine years or so. We need to understand it takes longer to get rid of some habits then it does with others." Maddox said as he caught my eyes in the mirror. I quickly rip my gaze say from his when I felt tears begin to gather in my eyes.

"I just don't want to run you away like I did with my mother and father." I say truthfully. The car gets quiet as everyone thinks over what I just said.

"We won't ever leave you Tobias. Everyone makes mistakes, some just bigger then others." Blaze teases as he squeezed my shoulders. I let out a teary laugh, everyone following with their own laughs.

"I know I haven't ever told you guys this, but I love all of you." I say shyly as I feel a blush forming on my cheeks. I feel three pairs of eyes simultaneously land on me, heated gazes. Slowly Blaze lifted my chin to look at him.

"And we love you with all our hearts, our sweet little mate."

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