Chapter 16

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I wake up to the sound of giggling. I smile at the magical sound before shooting my hands up and grabbing Fitz around his chest and rolling on top of his small body. He squeals and giggles as he tries to pull away from me. I laugh on top of him before letting go of his arms and smiling down at the puffing boy.

"I love you Fitz, you know that, right?" I ask him softly as I push back his soft  brown hair back from his face.

"Yeah, Daddy! And I love you too!" He cheers loudly as he wraps his thin arms around my neck. I sigh as I look down at him smiley face. Last night he was in tears because Finn didn't want to sleep in the same room as him, but now, he is acting like he doesn't even remember.

"And you know that Finn loves you, right?" I ask just as softly. His lips wobble quickly before he nods his head briefly.

"You don't seem so sure." I tell him. He shrugs before playing with the end of my shirt. I sigh before pulling us up into a seated position.

"Fitz, one day you are going to find someone you really love, I don't know if Finn loves Kalani like I'm talking about, and I know he isn't being fair to you by ignoring you,  but I do know that one day, you will find someone you really love, and you will be doing the same thing Finn is doing, because you will want to know everything about them, and you will want to spend every last minute with them." I explain to him, I haven't ever really gone much into mates with the boys, but now seems to be a good enough time as any.

"What do you mean. I'm only ever going to love my family, no one else is going to come in between me and you guys." Fitz said confused as he stared up at me with squinted eyes. His words confused me, but I didn't say so, one day he will find his mate, and he will want to take back his words.

"Alright baby. I just wanted you to know that we all love you, even if we seem preoccupied with things." He nods quickly before darting back to his room. I groan as I slip a hand down my face and fall back onto my bed. I need to set some time today to speak with Finn, I don't like the way Fitz is acting, expecially since it's because of Finn.

I wobble put of the high bed, still not comfortable with the idea of sleeping in a bed, and not on the ground. Of course, it's a nice change, just a big one.

"Daddy? Do you think I could go play with Mr. Blaze? He said yesterday that I could go and play with him whenever I wanted, and that you could play with him whenever you wanted too." I chocked on my own spit as I turned around to Fitz. Only one day and he was already perverting my son, even if he doesn't understand, he will someday and when he does I might die from embarrassment.

"Sure, baby. I think Finn and I are gonna have a talk today, and it would be best if you weren't here." Fitz dropped his head but nodded quickly as he raced out of the room and to Blaze's just across the hall.

I pursed my lips quickly before walking into the living room, where I could hear Kalani and Finn watching T.V.

"Finn, I need to talk to you, Kalani, go to Xavier and Charlotte's room please." I demand as I walk into the room. Kalani immediately exits the room and slips into Xavier's down the hall, but Finn only turned around and glared at me.

"Why did you do that? We were in the middle of a show. And I wanted to hangout with her." He asked angrily as he clenched his little hands by his side. I rose my eyebrow and fought against my inner selves as they wanted to burst forward and show Finn how he should respect an alpha.

"Would you like to say that again, Pup?" I ask earily calm, although all I want to do is yell and smash things apart.

"I wanted to play with Kalani and you made her leave." He sassed back as he set his hands on his hips and glared back at me. My lips curled back in a growl of warning as my eyes zeroed in on his.

"You better back down, Pup! Or else I'll have to punish you." I warned as my eyes flashed between black, hazel, green, and my normal color. Nixon was yowling in my head to keep the two other beast at bay that wanted to rip forward and punish the pup that dared challenge, no matter what bond we have.

"You'll do what? Spank me like and little boy? I'm eleven tears old dad. I don't need you to tell me what to do!" He shouted back as he stood up from the couch and took a few steps in my direction. I had to grind my blunt nails into my palms so I could hold back Ash as he pushed forward. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to hold back before I shift and scar the both of us for life.

"Exactually, you are eleven, not even are teenager, you don't need to be hanging around with girls younger with you. You don't need to be ignoring your whole family because you found someone you think is better to spend your time with. I didn't raise you for you to just leave when you see fit." I growled back. I didn't want to be loud, and the rooms are soundproof, but I think Fitz left the door open, and were hearing can go a long distance and pick up low sounds.

"I hate all the stupid rules. I can barely even live my life." Finn yelled as his chest heaved up in down with his short breaths. My body rose up from its slouched position as I looked down at Finn. He isn't the same boy I raised as a pup. He isn't the same boy who would run into my arms and call me daddy. He isn't my pup.

"Then leave." I whisper sadly as I turn around and slam the door connecting my room and the bathroom together. I slouch down the door and I feel the first tear falling down my cheek, soon followed by a waterfall of others. I never knew that words could hurt as bad as Finn's words did.

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