Chapter 4

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Maddox had forced me to come with him to cheek out the Rouges found in the territory. Apparently it had been two pups and then some bear shifter showed up and started protecting him.

Maddox has had me doing a lot of the pack buissness the time I have been here, which is almost two months now, because we're mates. I still don't know how I feel about us being mates since we're different shifters. I know other species can mix and we would just have a hybrid child, which isn't the problem, but I just feel, incomplete. I don't want to tell Maddox my feeling because I worry he will think of it as a rejection, which he doesn't deserve.

It's not like it's him physically, Maddox is the hottest man I have ever seen. The problem is that he has made it very clear that I will be the submissive in the relationship. I know him being alpha and all makes him really possessive and dominating, but I don't think he realises that I come from am alpha family too. Just because I was second born doesn't mean I am okay with him sticking his d!ck in my as$. Not that I ever told him that, plus we are not that far in our relationship yet. I have an itching feeling that he is having a simular problem with me, which I am okay with because then we can fix it together.

"So, where are the Rouges exactly?" I ask Maddox after we had been walking for some time. The gaurds didn't say we needed to hurry so we decided to walk to them instead of run in our forms.

"On the edge of the border. Taylor said they didn't seem harmful, although the idea that an angry bear shifter is there doesn't sit well with me. But since they haven't called for help yet I assume they aren't being attacked." He said calmly but I could see the underlying concern in his features. He really does love the pack and wishes best for them, I really wish I haven't been having these feeling so we can just be together.


When we first headed out to check on the Rouges I could tell Josiah was in his own thoughts. I decide to let him wander in his head as I wander in mine.

Why do I feel this way? I am positive I felt the shocks from Josiah when we touch. The way I felt like there was nothing in the world besides him and I. So why do I feel empty still? I thought finding my mate would fill the empty gap in my heart that had been dark for so long. Part of it is now filled but I feel like I am still missing something, something really important.

"So, where exactly are the Rouges?" Josiah asks are he messes with his hair. I sigh as I look at him and feel a pang in my chest. He is so beautiful and I feel awful that I'm not able to feel the way he does about me.

"On the edge of the border. Taylor said they didn't seem harmful, although the idea that an angry bear shifter is there doesn't sit well with me. But since they haven't called for help yet I assume they aren't being attacked." I say calmly but I can hear the quiver in my throat that betrays my words. I hope Josiah doesn't realise how nervous I am. I think of every person in this pack as my family, and I don't like the idea of someone being hurt by rouges, although not all of them are so bad. A few days ago a bear shifter was found and brought to the cells, I haven't had the time to go down there yet but everyone says he is really nice and polite. So, I guess you can't judge by the cover.

"They are just right up here." I tell Josiah as I hear faint growls from pack members and a deeper growl that can only belong to a bear shifter. I feel my wolf start to jump around in my head and I wince, next to me Josiah winces also but I decide to ignore it in favor of the pounding in my head from my wolf.

What the fu(k do you want! I growl to Zane as I open our link. He growls out out a single word right ad we step into ad clearing that makes me freeze.



I groan as I feel my cheetah jumping around in my head. His yips and whimpers started to give me a headache.

What is it this time Barker ? I ask him as I open the link. He always seems to get excited over the tiniest of things, he got so excited when he met Maddox that he almost fainted. I'm knocked out of my inner rambles when he whispers a single word.


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