Chapter 20

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"Are you feeling any better?" I turn to look at Josiah. He had been fluttering over me all day. Everytime I needed something he was already moving before I could finish my sentence. Everytime I wanted to channel changed he would take the remote out of my.hanf and change the channel for me. Over all, he was being overbearing, and it was about to make my crack.

"I'm fine, Josiah. I've been through worst things. Just because Finn and I are fighting, doesn't mean i need to be treated like glass. He's my pup, and I have no problem that he is growing up and doing normal things that pups do, like fight with their parents. It's only normal." I tell him as I slump back against the bed. He also hasn't let me out of the bedroom, mainly because of the fight, but also because he wants to cuddle. Josiah only hums as he continues to stare at the T.V., completely ignoring anything I just said.

"Anyways, where did Maddox and Blaze bring Fitz?" I ask changing the subject. Josiah finally turns to me with a smile.

"There's this really cool waterfall close by. It has a lot of natural slides and stuff like that. Almost like a water park." He smiled at me before pulling me closer and sliding further down the bed.

"That sounds fun. Maybe someday all of us can go out there." I tell him honestly, but something in my tone must make him question my emotions because he turns around.

"Finn will come too, we all want to get to know your pups, even Finn even though he is acting like an idiot. Your pups are our pups, and our pups are your pups." Josiah spoke softly as he looked deep into my eyes.

I've learned that all three of my mates are intense, just in different ways. Josiah looks into your eyes as he talks and doesn't let you look away. Blaze just ask things that you normally wouldn't ask, and he expects an answer. Maddox is the silent intense, the kind of intense that if he says something you should listen because it will probably be useful. And then there's me, I don't really consider myself intense, but I guess in some instances I can be, but I prefer to be easy-going.

"Do I have to worry about any of the females you've had sex with coming and claiming your their baby-daddy?" I ask him teasingly causing his plump lips to turn up slightly at the corners.

"I've never had sex with a women, or a man. I've always provided for myself." My cheeks burst into flames always he stares at me through lust inclined eyes.

"Why?" I ask breathlessly as I continue to stare at his perfect irises.

"I've been waiting for my mate, or mates, I guess." He murmured as his head began to lean forward and his lips grazed my own.

"I've wouldn't have ever guessed." I murmured always sys my gaze traveled down his toned body.

"Just because I have a nice body, and people throw themselves at me doesn't mean I'm going to bed all of them." He murmurs as his lips finally descend on mine.

I moan into the kiss at the feeling of electricity floating between our joined bodies. With the few times that I have kissed any of my mates, the feeling hasn't ever changed.

Josiah's hand came and grabbed the side of my face while his other hand slid around my back at snd up the bottom of my shirt. I shivered atsndt the feeling of his cold hand but flung my arms around his shoulders causing the both of us to fall down onto the bed.

Josiah smiled up at me before going back into the kiss. It was softer then before, before it felt like there was an urgency behind the kiss, now it seemed like Josiah knew he had all the time in the world.

And he does, along with Blaze and Maddox. The all have all the time in the world to be with me, because so far my heart is winning, and my heart wants them.

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