Chapter 3 - Edited

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An hour later we are all curled up around the fire. Everyone else has seemed to realize that something had happened between Fitz and Finn down at the water and have stayed clear of me. They know how upset I can get when one of my little boys is crying or hurt.

Xavier had been able to find some wood that was dry enough for us to burn for the fire. There was a huge storm this morning that pretty much drenched everything, including us. Now it is hard to find food and wood to keep us warm and full. This is always the struggle and the things I worry most about being the Alpha of this ragtag little group. I never know if we are going to find enough food to keep us full for the night, or if we are going to have enough dry wood to keep a fire going through the night to keep us warm.

Fitz is cuddled in my lap and has his face buried in my chest. I had put a sweatshirt on earlier because of the cold and wrapped a blanket around the two of us, but since then Emerson has joined the party. Now all of us are toasty warm in the chill of the night air.

Although he is the sunlight in our little ragtag group, he is extremely emotional. He is the kind of person who, if he sees someone crying he starts crying too, even if he doesn't know the reason why. I find this really endearing of him, I always know that I can count of him for being their for the other younger members of the pack. Sometimes it is just hard for us to understand what is going through their minds and Emerson helps a lot with calming them down and making them happy again.

So, the three of us are curled underneath the blanket and Fitz and Emerson had long time ago fallen asleep. I usually stay awake most of the night to make sure that no one is coming to hurt the pack during the night.

"So, Charlotte, you know what the gender is yet?" Bailey ask as he pokes the fire with the stick. We all give him incredulous looks so he quickly keeps talking.

"I mean, they always say that mothers know before hand what the gender is. I was just wondering if you had any idea what the gender is?" My head cocks to the side as I think of it, can mothers really tell what the gender will be?

"Well, I think it's going to be a girl, but Xavier thinks it's going to be another boy, so it could be either I guess." Charlotte shrugs her shoulders before snuggling more into her husband.

"You know, I've heard that the placement of the baby can determine......" I ignore Bailey as I hear something in the distance. I strain my ears again and wait for the noise to come back. I'm not surprised when a few seconds later I hear it again. My eyes widen as I realise what the noise is. I shoot up in my spot and deposit Fitz and Emerson with Bailey.

"Finn and Kayli ran off, they are in trouble. I'll be back, stay here." I said as I shift into my bear and run off in the direction I heard the scream. I just hope I can make it in time before they are hurt.

A few minutes later I crash into a clearing and see Kayli and Finn huddled in a corner opposite of me. I charge for them and let out a roar, no one hurts my pack, ever. The wolves surrounding them split to let me through but I don't question their odd behavior, my bear only has eyes for the pups. Kayli and Finn cry out in relief as they see me charging for them.

Once I reach them I stand on my back legs and let out a roar, some of the wolves drop down on their stomachs in submission while the remaining ones growl at me and look on confused at the submitting wolves.

I go to swipe at a wolf who had come to close when Thorne and Nixon start whimpering. I try and ignore it but a smell keeps making me sneeze. I let out a big sneeze and fall back down on my front paws. Every few seconds I am sneezing and am barely able to get breaths in between each sneeze.

In my bear shift I have always had a more sensitive sense of smell. Nixon and Thorne think its halarious when Ash is sensitive to the smallest of scents. Of course Nixon has a stronger sense of taste and Thorne has a stronger sense of hearing, so they also hear some choice words from Ash when they are complaining.

I can feel my body wanting to shift into my other forms but I stand still, although my wolf and cheetah are anything but weak, I am strongest in my bear form. I open my mind link to yell at Throne and Nixon to stop it but there words stop me.



Oh, sh!t. This is not happening, not now. I can not let this happen. I keep sneezing and I now know it is because of the smell of my mates, although they don't affect my bear he can still tell that they are Throne and Nixon's mates and he is trying to remember their scent for them since they couldn't be here for it.

When I feel just about to faint from all of the sneezing, two men come out from the trees. They are both huge, towering over my six foot three frame by a couple of inches each. The one on the left seems to almost be seven feet, he has light blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. The one on the right is shorter then him, but still taller then me. He has reddish hair that looks brown too, and hazel eyes. Both of their eyes instantly snap to me.

Ash gives a final sneeze, finally allowing myself to shift back into my human form I stared back at the shock-gazed men. This is noy going to be good.

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