Chapter 18

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"He's so adorable as he sleeps. Almost like an angel." I heard a deep voice rumble as a large hand came out and pet my hair back from my forhead. I whined as I snuggled deeper into the blankets, but I popped up quickly when I heard the chuckle that came after my movements.

I looked at the three figures sitting down on the bed that previously weren't here. Blaze, Maddox, and Fitz. I smile at Fitz as I opened my arms in invitation. He hopped in quickly as I leaned back down to my original spot. I jumped when I felt the bed behind me move, and blush when I realized I had been sleeping and cuddling with Josiah's crotch.

My face is red but I don't back down as I look up at Josiah with half-lidded eyes and a small sexy smile on my lips. Josiah's breathing hitches before he yanks me up and into his chest. He doesn't make a move to kiss me because of Fitz being in the way of the two of us, but he does hold my eyes with his own sexy look before turning and smirking with a chuckling Blaze as he looks between the two of us.

"Man, I really wish I was you right now, but I'll just have to wait my turn, when we are in a more private space." Blaze jokes as he stares down the two of us before turning and looking at Maddox. I roll my eyes at him before cuddling with Josiah and Fitz, I don't even care anymore that I had been trying to distance myself from these three men, they have already wiggled there way into my life and they aren't dissapearing now.

"How long was I sleeping for?" I ask as my gaze focuses back on the T.V., but now a new movie is playing, one that seems to involve vampires.

"Just over and hour. I did team to wake you, you seemed stressed." Josiah mumbles as he keeps his gaze focused on the T.V. I nod quickly before looking down at Fitz.

Just to think, a week ago, if this had happened, Finn would be here in the bed with us. I always knew Finn was more independent then Fitz, but I never knew it would be so sudden. I never expected that my son would yell at me and pretty much say I don't love him because of all the rules I set. I love him, Fitz, the pack, so much, and I'm willing to do anything for them, and that means making rules and enforcing them, if it keeps them safe, then I'm happy, I guess that's where I went wrong.

I never stopped to think that my happiness was blocking what others in the pack were feeling. I never realized that Finn felt like he wasn't getting a good enough life. I take blame for what happened, and I'm going to beg until he comes back to me.

"Tobias, Baby, what are you thinking in that pretty head of yours?" Maddox said as he softly grabbed my hand pulling me out of my dark thoughts.

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't have made so many rules, maybe he wouldn't hate me if I let him get away with more stuff." I mutter as I stare down at a sleeping Fitz, I assume Maddox only asked me I was alright because Fitz is asleep, he already knows I don't like looking week in front of my pups.

"No, Tobias. It isn't your fault. You did all those things to help him. He doesn't realize it now, but one day he will, and he'll come crawling on his knees for forgiveness. I'm sorry this had to happen to the two of you, because I know you love him so much, but I need you to know that you aren't in fault, he is." I stare at Blaze surprised. He has never spoken so seriously to me, he has always been cracking a crude joke or laughing at something. I didn't know he could be serious.

"Really?" I ask softly as I look at all three of my mates. The smile softly back at me before Maddox and Blaze lean forward and place their hands on my body.

"We promise, Tobias. I know it's gonna be hard, but you have to let him learn his own mistakes. Even if it takes a while." Maddox whispered as he held my eyes with his intense gaze. I smiled at him before leaning forward hesitantly astnd giving him a small peck on his lips. I blush as I pull back, only to he pulled forward again as gained to be smashed into a pair of plump lips.

"Don't think I was going to let you off without my own kiss, baby." Blaze chastised as he pulled away. I chuckled and turned to Josiah with my lips puckered. He pecked my lips quickly before resting his head on top of mine. I sighed as I leaned back into him. I feel a million times better now, and it's all because of three amazing guys I get to call my mates.

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