Chapter 37

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I've been running for hours but my body doesn't seemed tired. I have shifted out of Ash, and am now in Nixon's body. He lets out snarls everytime his fur gets caught on a branch, but his speed never wavers. I know what I am doing is wrong for so many reason, but it's right for so many more.

I could never bare the thought that my mates would be hurt, or killed, in this battle. I know a way to my father, I know a way that I can kill him, I know his weakness.

I never thought that the one fateful day that my father would sit me down and tell me a very important life lesson would lead me to figuring out his biggest fear, his weakness. I don't think he ever intended for me to find out, but with everything he has done to me in the years, I now know what his weakness is.

"Son, come with me. I have to talk to you about something." I nod happily to my father and hold his hand as we walk down the pack house. I'm only about eight, long before my father began to hate me for who I am, for what I became in his eyes. Or so I thought.

My father leads me into his bedroom. I haven't really ever been in here, a bedroom in my pack is considered something only you and your mate go into, it's treasured, not to be shared with anyone else, one reason why I was confused as to what was happening.

"Son." My father said as he say me down on the bed. "I love you so much, you and your little siblings. I love you all, every little bit about you I love. I just wished that you wouldn't have to go through the pain and stress of being the alpha one day, it's not something I would want any child of mine to go through." My father cleared his throat as he looks down of the floor. He kneels and takes a hold of my small hands.

"I know the future is unclear, but I want you to know that no matter what, I'll always be here, and so will Marie, we will always be here for you."

"You mean Mommy?" I ask him as I look up at him in confusion. Why didn't he just say Mommy, why did he call her Marie?"

"Yes, Mommy, I meant Mommy, but I just wanted you to know we love you." I nod before hoping off of the bed and going back to playing with my cars, the talk already gone from my mind.

My father wasn't always heartless, he love me, he loved my siblings, he just loved, but he didn't love my mother, because my mother wasn't his mate. My mother wasn't my siblings mother, my mother, wasn't alive.

I know my father had an affair with another women before he met his mate, I know I was the product of that affair, I also now know my mother was a hybrid. The reason that my father and Marie never truly loved each other was because of me, because of the affair, and I was there every step of the way.

My father never hated me. Marie did. She hated me, and what I was.

My father never wanted me gone. My father wasn't the bad one.

Marie was and still is.

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