Chapter 14

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I spent a few minutes looking around the room, and noticing the amount of clothes in the closet, how Maddox made it happen, I'm not sure, because there are clothes for me, the boys, and I assume that there are clothes for Kalani somewhere in the packhouse. He must have mind linked someone on the way here to get the rooms prepared, how he knew what rooms we would pick, I'm not quite sure, it's quite freaky to be honest, but I guess I am going to have to get use to it.

"Daddy? What are we suppose to do now?" Fitz asks as he crawls up onto my very large bed and into my lap. I hold onto his back as he straddles my legs and wraps his around my waist. I lean the both of us back until we are laying against the pillows. Fitz squeals out in happiness before laying his chin on my chest and looking up at me.

"I don't know baby? What do you want to do? I can talk to Maddox and see if it is okay with him." I finally answer after a few minutes of us just staring at eachother. Fitz nods as he sits up and proceeds to bounce up and down on my chest.

"Yay. Let's go daddy." He cheered as he leaped off the bed and flew into the hallway. I scramble out of the bed after him calling out a quick word to Finn and Kalani to stay in the room.

I find Fitz knocking on Maddox's door in a fast and loud fashion. I try to hush him, but Maddox opens the door before I can even reach him.

"Sir! Can I go outside and play with daddy?" He asked sweetly as he clasped his hands in front of him and gave him his classic puppy dog eyes. Maddox smiled down at him before peaking at me from the corner of him eyes.

"Why not, Pup. How about we ask some other people to come out and play with us, huh? Wouldn't that be fun?" Maddox asked as he crouched down in front of Fitz and took a hold of his hand.

My heart warmed at the obvious love and affection that all of my mates were showing to my pups. I knew that they didn't have to accept them, but they did, and it means a lot to me, more then I am willing to share.

"Yeah, come on Daddy, let's go ask Finn if he wants to play with us!" He cheered as he dragged Maddox down the hall to our room. I smiled at the two before going to Blaze's door. I knock briefly and turn around to look around as I waited. I turned and smiled at Blaze when he opened the door, and then my gaze traveled down his very naked, very chiseled, chest. I could feel spit collecting in my mouth and I swallowed it before it could betray me and fall down my chin. My gaze snapped back to his eyes when I heard him chuckle.

"If I knew you would react like this I would have taken off my shirt much, much earlier." He mused as he set his large hand on top of his left pec. My eyes followed his hand as it smoothed down his chest and to the tops of his jeans. He fingered the button before popping it open. He pushed his hands below his jeans, and then a hand slapped down on my shoulder. I twirled around and there stood a grinning Josiah.

"Don't tease the poor baby, Blaze, we can't have him combusting before we can even get him into bed." He teased the both of us and he swung his arm and pulled my hip against his.

"As if." I mutter as I pull away from the both of them and down the hall back to the general direction of where we came from.

"Where are you going baby?" Josiah asked as he and Blaze caught up to me.

"Outside, I think. Fitz wanted to play." I explain as I take a random turn. An amused smile makes it way onto Josiah's face after the next couple of turns.

"You are aware that we have been going the opposite direction this whole time, right?" He jokes as he and Blaze smirk at me. I huff before turning around.

"I knew that, I just wanted to see more of the pack house first, assholes." I snarl as I stomp back the way we came. Josiah caught up quickly and took his spot a few steps ahead of me while Blaze stayed behind me a few steps.

The rest of the journey outside was quiet. I think both of the males surrounding me knew I wasn't in the mood for their sarcastic crap. I'm not really in the mode for their sarcastic crap ever, so.......

"Here we are, a few pit stops on the way, but we made it." Josiah croned sarcastically as he shoved open the large wooden door. I scoff at him and go through the open door he was holding.

"Thank you." I mutter quietly when my manners get the best of me. I hate that I grew up learning my manners - self taught and by my bitches of parent when they actually gave a shit - I really doesn't help when I am trying to act like I'm pissed off at someone, because how can you be pissed off, but then use your manners?

"Where is Finn? I thought you said the pups were coming out?" Blaze questions when we see everyone else besides Finn and Kalani. I groan as I look at a crestfallen Fitz. I really need to talk to Finn about his behavior to his brother.

"He must have wanted to stay inside with Kalani." I tell him simply as I jumped on the porch and transformed into my cheetah. It was time to play.

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