Chapter 22

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They day started out normal like any other. I woke up to four bodies curled around me. Maddox, Josiah, and Blaze made sure that I wasn't alone at night after my fight with Finn a few weeks ago, and then Fitz always made sure he was curled up against my chest with either one of my mates curled up behind him.

I'm sure it was a gay man's dream, I never would believe it if someone told me three guys and some little boy were laying in a bed together all cuddled up.

Maddox and Josiah had left to do some pack things - we had all decided that Josiah would be the official 'luna' of the group because of his knowledge of packs before he came here. Blaze and I hadn't live in a  standard pack for a long time, we knew absolutely nothing about anything so we all decided it would be for the best.

Blaze had taken Fitz back to the waterfall, and I had gone to talk to Xavier about when we could have the pack meeting. It had been a few weeks since I mentioned to Maddox that we should meet his whole pack, and with all the changes in the pack we decided it would be best if we just held out on the pack meeting for a week or two.

I was only a few door down from Xavier and Charlotte's joined room when I could hear the screaming. It was Ajax and Emerson.

I ran the rest of the way to their room and broke down the flimsy door. I don't know if they were intentionally made easy to break, but I felt like I was going through a cracker it was so easy.

The sight in front of me shocked me. I didn't want to believe it, but I knew it was real.

Kalani was standing above Ajax and Emerson - who were holding on to eachother crying - with her lips pulled back into a snarl and blood dripping from her lips. I noticed a fairly large sized cut on Emerson's arm, and a bite mark on Ajax's leg.

I didn't know was wrong with Kalani, but I knew she wasn't stable.

I growled as I stormed into the room straight at her. She turned to me, with the snarl still on her lips, but it wasn't her teeth that scared me, it was her eyes. A clear white, so clear you could see the veins in her eyes.

I have never seen any bear shifter, or any shifters at all, with eyes like hers, but for some reason something turned in the pit of my stomach, and all I could think about was my pup. Where was Finn?

I roared as I felt my change happening, I knew that I wasn't going to win the fight against Ash, he was too angry. He thought of Kalani as one of his own, but now, she meant nothing to him, she was just another rouge that he had to kill.

By now I knew we had drawn a crowd, everyone was calling out to Maddox to stop me, but I was too far gone. Where is my pup? Where is Finn?!

I heard another roar that matched Ash's and I knew that Xavier finally got here, and he didn't like what he saw. Emerson and Ajax went running to Xavier, who grabbed then and left the room. He was probably going to take them to Charlotte before coming back, but I would have already taken care of the problem, he wouldn't need to come back.

"Where is he?" Ash growled as he advanced on the little girl. She was no longer a part of the pack, because she had harmed our pup, and she wouldn't live longer then to tell us where he is.

"Who?" She growled back. "Finn? The little prick couldn't handle being a true warrior, so I dealt with him. Now I don't have to worry about him telling anything of inportance." She laughed maniacally as she stared straight into my eyes. I felt my hatred for her swell, but I knew she was lying. Although she isn't the Kalani I knew, she is still Kalani, and when she lies, he right hand twitches ever so slightly.

"You're lying. Where is he?" I roar as I snap my hands forward and grab her neck. He eyes widden as she realizes I am going to kill her. I can hear people calling my name in the background, but I ignore them, and only listen to her whispered taunting words.

"Why don't you ask daddy dearest."

I don't waste a second before snapping her neck.

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