Chapter 29

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I couldn't watch them break the bond with Finn and Fitz. I had to leave the room, but that doesn't mean I couldn't hear Fitz's screams through the door. I would whimper everytime I would hear one of his screams come through the door. I had to use a lot of my energy to hold myself back from shifting and destroying the women hurting my pup.

Finally, ten minutes after they had begun the ritual. The door opens and Blaze walks out holding Fitz's small body to his chest with a blanket wrapped around him. I could see the faint red circles around Blaze's eyes when he looked at me and gave me a tight smile. I wasn't the only one effected by what happened, I was just the only one who couldn't bare being in the room while it happened.

"How is he?" I ask softly as I push Fitz's soft hair out of his pain-filled sleeping face.

"He's doing good. The lady said he should wake up in an hour, she got the location, but now Maddox and Josiah are looking for what pack we have to go to. Maddox said to be ready to leave tomorrow night after we know Fitz will be okay." I nod as I take in the information. I'm not happy that we have to wait another full day before we can leave to get Finn, but I'm also not happy leaving my other pup so soon after he was put through so much pain. I know Finn will also be in pain from the bond breaking, but he also wasn't the one that the ritual was being done on, so his pain won't be as extreme.

"Alright. Let's get him to bed, and get some rest, I want to be ready for when we have to leave." I say as I take Fitz from Blaze's arms. Fitz let's out as small whimper before his nose tucks closer to my neck like he use to do when he was just a little pup, he rarely does it now, but with the pain he is in, I would virtually let him do anything he wanted.

"I'll come with you. I don't have anything to do, and I want to make sure the both of you are okay." Blaze said as he wrapped one of his large arms around my shoulders and the other around my arms that are around Fitz.

"I'm fine." I grumble as we waddle down the hallway with the way Blaze is holding me. It's cute that he wants to cuddle, but it isn't a very productive thing to do when trying to walk.

"So you say, but with the dark circles around you eyes and the nightmare you have been having, I would say you aren't." I grunt at Blaze but don't argue. He is right, I'm not okay, and I really do want to cuddle with him, but my alpha pride won't let me say so.

We reach the room we were first given when we got here. I don't see this room much since it reminds me of Finn, so I have been either sleeping in one of my mates rooms or in Maddox's office. I want to argue when Blaze brings us in here, but I don't. I don't want this night to be about us arguing. I want this night to be happy, as happy as it can be when I know my pup is somewhere where he can be hurt.

We lay Fitz down in his bed before retiring to the large bed that is bigger then a king size for sure.

I turn around and lay my head on Blaze's firm chest. My hand traces his stomach muscles. I haven't had a lot of time to admire my mates bodies lately, and now seems like a good time as any for me.

My hand continues its trail around Blaze's body. I can feel all of his muscle constrict as I touch them, and the small growls of pleasure escaping his mouth.

When my hands reach the waistband of his sweatpants one of his hand shot down and grabs my hand. I look up at him in confusion as I tug my hand lightly that is still in his grasp.

"I would love to get dirty with you baby, but now isn't the right time. When everything calms down and Finn is back with us, then I'm sure the others would love to complete the mating, but to be ready for this we need to be in the right state of mind, and when we mate you are going to go through your heat. That wouldn't be a good thing to happen during the mission." I sigh but nod in agreement.

"But." I look up at Blaze in question. "That doesn't mean I won't let you kiss me." He smirks down at me before puckering up his lips. I smile shyly before leaning up and giving him a soft kiss. I pull away slowly and nuzzle my nose into his neck, right where one of our marks will lay. I don't know where the third one will go, since he only has two side to his neck, and they can't overlap, otherwise you wouldn't be able to see the tattoo like mark that appears over the mark to cover it from the humans view, otherwise they would see them and probably call the police on us.

"Go to sleep baby. I'll wake you up when Fitz wakes up." I nod sleepily before laying my head back down on his firm chest and closing my eyes. In a few moments, I am asleep.

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