Chapter 2 - Edited

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"Finn, come here, we have to take a bath now." I call to Finn as I watch Fitz splash around in the water. Not going to make the mistake, again, of not watching him bathe, even if he is 11. There is never a time in your life where you are able to watch you child almost die and not have second thoughts about the situation that the near death experience happened in. The river current could be too strong and could pull him under, just like what happened last time when I wasn't watching him close enough and he almost drowned in the waters as he floated away from us. Luckily Bailey noticed something in the water and got to him in time. I still haven't forgiven myself for that moment in Fitz's life. I know I should have been watching close enough, and I wasn't.

"But Daddy, I want to take a bath with Kayli." I raise my eyebrows before turning to look at Finn. If he honestly thinks I am going to say okay to something like that then he is seriously wrong.

"No, you aren't. Kayli goes with Charlotte and you come with me. You know the rules, no boys and girls mixing while taking baths, unless you are mates." I say as I watch him pout next to Kayli. Kayli seems to be confused on what is happening. Same sister, same. This is the first time this has ever occured.

"But dad...." Finn whines as he pouts and slumps his shoulders. I narrow my eyes as I look at him and Finn drops his head in defeat when he clearly sees he isn't going to win this battle.

"No buts, get over here and Kayli, go with Charlotte." I growl towards the pups. They both whimper before listening to what I said. I hate having to use my alpha tone with my pack because I want us to feel more like family and not them, the subordinants, and me, the leader, but in some cases I have to be strict, especially talking to my two sons who seem to want to push me more and more everyday.

I watch Fitz slowly stops splashing around in the water. He, along with everyone else, had heard my and Finn's 'argument'. I know he was more affected then anyone else from the small spat because he already has feelings that his brother no longer loved him. The fact that Finn doesn't want to spend bathtime with us is probably already throwing bad thoughts around his head.

Fitz continues to sit there and just watch the water long after Finn has left. I sigh as I take off my shorts and join him in the water.

"Tilt your head back baby." I say softly as I cup the water in my hands. When he finally tips his head back a tiny bit I can see the tears filling his eyes and spilling over. I immediately drop the water and pull him into my arms.

Fitz has always been the more sensitive one out of him and his brother. I know that Finn's oblivious behavior is really taking a toll on him and he can't take much more. I wish I could take his pain away, but I can't stop Finn from hanging out with a member of our pack, and to be honest, it wouldn't be fair to Finn to ask him to stop hanging out with Kayli, who has obviously become close with him.

"It's okay baby. He doesn't mean the things he says, and he definately doesn't mean to make you sad. Im sure he would be upset if he saw the way he was making you feel. He is just going through a phase. Pretty soon you two will be playing with eachother again and all of this will be behind you." His face is stuffed into my neck as he sniffled a little, trying to calm himself down. So, as best as I can, I wash his hair with the cool water and carry the both of us back to the shore.

I dry us off with the small cloth we keep specifically for when we take baths. We don't want to have to sleep with wet clothing or blankets at night, so we usually keep all of the wet stuff in one bag as we travel and set it out to dry if we are stopping for the night.

I pull Fitz shorts up his body before sliding on mine, during this whole process Fitz hasn't let go of me and I can still feel his tears periodically hitting my shoulder. U don't understand a lot about Fitz's and Finn's relationship, but obviously something small like this is taking a lot more out of Fitz than I originally thought it would.

I feel pounding in my head and I know one of my other selves wants to say something to me, or Fitz. Probably me, seeing as whoever it is isn't trying to take over my whole body.

What's wrong with our cub? Why is he crying? Ash demands as I finally let him through. I go to answer him when Thorne and Nixon also join the party. cutting me off before I can begin to say anything to make them all happy. Sometimes living with three other subconsciouses in your body can be really annoying.

Will our pup be okay? Nixon.

What did Finn do to Fitz this time? Thorne.

I roll my eyes at Nixon's question because it is well known between all of us, pack and animals, that the only reason Fitz cries is because of something that Finn did to him, usually without any knowledge that he is causing pain.

Finn didn't want to take a bath with us and Fitz thinks it is because of him, which it partially could be, but I think that Finn has a crush on Kayli and wants to spend time with her. I explain to them. Most of the time they are either busy talking to themselves or sleeping. Over the years I had became really self controlled with how I shifted and when, so they had to adapt to that. They now can entertain themselves with eachother and don't bother me to often, but we make sure we talk at least once a day, if not twice.

He should wait for his mate. He will only be dissapointed when she isn't his. Ash grumbles and I couldn't help but agree. A mate is something sacred that everyone is the supernatural world does not take advantage of. Sure, I might think I don't need a mate, but that doesn't mean I won't accept them when the time comes. Only, if that mate is okay with my ragtag little group coming with me. I would never throw away my pack for my mate, no matter how painful it is.

I know Finn wants to be independent but if he is gonna go out and do things like this, and I can't tell him no, he will just have to learn heartbreak himself. It's something no parent wants for their child, but if he isn't going to listen to me, or his brother, then he is going to be learning the lesson of heartbreak all on his own, and their isn't anything I can do to stop the tidal wave that is going to rush over him when he does meet that mate and his mate learns he has a girlfriend of his own.

It makes me wonder if my other sleeves have any idea of who Finn's mate is, since they always seem to be commenting on the fact that he should wait and his crush on Kayli is something that can't continue. I know that there is something I am missing. I guess I am just going to have to wait and find out.

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