Chapter 39

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I follow my memory to where I remember the door to the backyard is located. I stand inside the door and watch the family interact for a few more seconds before I push the door open. I kept my eyes on the ground and I walked toward thegroup. I hear a surprised shout and then a growl once my father seemed to realize the danger his family is in. If I was anyone else, his family would already be half dead.

"Who are you, and how did you get on my pack lands?" My father growls as he stalks forward. I finally lift my head and smirk as he stops in his spot.

I lift my hand and give him a sarcastic wave.

"Its been a while, hasn't it?" I ask sarcastically as I cross my arms over my chest.

"What? How are you....when did is this...."

"Possible?" I ask as I tilt my head to the side. He nods as he stares at me in amazement.

"Do you think I'm that weak. That I would die in the wilderness the day after you banished me to it? I learned to survive, no thanks to you, or Marie." I snarl as I take a menacing step forward.

My father's eyes widden as he turns and looks  at his mate before he turns back to me.

"Yeah, I know. It's not like you need to keep it a secret anymore. I don't need you to spare my feelings anymore. You've already crushed them enough in my life time." I growl as my eyes turn dark brown, indicating that Ash wants to take over.

"Please, don't do this." My father whispers as he looks back at his family again before turning back to me with pleading eyes.

"I'm not here for revenge, I'm here because your bitch of a mate took something of mine, and I want him back." I growl as my hand begin to elongate into claws, all three of my shift ready to come out.

"What are you talking about, Marie hasn't done anything. We haven't had anyone cross into lands in years." My father pleads as he begs me with his eyes.

"He didn't walk onto your land, your mate took him, and I want him back, I don't know what she's done to him, but if he even has one scratch on his body I swear to god I'll kill your mate, your children, and then I'll make you feel so much pain that you'll wish you were dead." I snarl, my teeth now shaped into fangs.

Marie walks forward and grabs a hold of my father's arm. Tears are in her eyes as she looks between me and her mate.

"Honey, what's going on, whatever he wants, give it to him, I don't want him to hurt our pups." She begs as she tugs on his arm like a little child. I bark out a laugh as I stare at the despitful woman that I can't even imagine calling mom.

"You don't remember me, do you?" I ask with a smirk playing on my lips as I look at her. She shakes - I don't think she is really scared because to be a cold hearted bitch like her you don't have any fears - as she continues to  stare at me.

"That's such a shame, because I surely remember you." I smirk as I twirl my hand around in a circle.

"I remember this patio. I remember this yard after hours of playing football in the rain. I remember the living room and all the football games and movies I watch. I remember the bed I slept in. I remember all of it, and its such a shame that you don't." I tease as I smirk ever harder at her.

"Dad, what's going on?" Sarah, my youngest sibling asks as she places a hand on Marie's shoulder.

"I remember when Sarah was born, and Matthew, and Adeline." Fear begins to creep into Sarah's eyes as she stares at me, so I soften my eyes just a little. Her own eyes widden in confusion.

"I remember all the fun we use to have when we played together." Marie's grip losens on my father's arm as she takes a step back.

"I remember vividly how you also told the warriors to chase me out of the land, told them to do whatever they wanted to me if they caught me." I said sadly as I continue to stare at my younger half- sister.

"Isn't that right, Mommy."

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