Chapter 9

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My gaze chages from the love-sick-puppy-look, to the do-you-have-a-problem-with-that-look.

"Does it offend you in any way, shape, or form? Otherwise, I don't think it's a problem." I grumble back at him. He doesn't seem upset by my words, only more humored then before.

"I see you have a smart mouth. I might be able to deal with that, or I'll just have to keep you busy." He drawled in an accent that I couldn't quite identify. It sounded european, but I couldn't be quite sure.

"You, Asshole!" I cried in embarrassment as I realized the true meaning of his sentence. He only cracks up in laughter as he realizes I don't really mean what I am saying. I continue to glare at him as Maddox brings over the key to unlock him from his cell. He steps out from around the door before laying a gentle kiss on Maddox's head. Maddox's own face turned red in embarrassment as he looked around to make sure no one had seen the intimate moment with the man a good three inches taller then him.

The giant turned to us and raised his eyebrows in silent amusement before his eyes landed on Josiah trying to back away from him. In a single moment he had Josiah clamped down in his arms and was swinging him around in a circle before settling him down and his own kiss on his forehead. Josiah blushed like a little school girl before letting out an embarrassed huff. I smirked at the two tough guys who just got put in there place by the hunk in front of me.

I was jerked out of my silent mirth by strong arms that erupted tingles all around my body. I grunted as I felt myself being spun around in a circle.

"Put me down you oversized jerk!" I grunted as I suffered from air loss. I felt his body shake before he put me down. I realized he was laughing at me and it make my anger rise.

"Oversized? Baby, the only thing I have that is oversized is my mini me, if you know what I mean." He ended his sentence while gesturing to his 'mini me' before winking at me. I blushed in anger from his second innuendo that he has made in the minute he has been in our presence.

I went to talk back but Maddox held up a hand, and although I wanted to talk back anyways, Throne snapped at me inside my head and didn't allow me to speak.

"Just let it go Tobias." He said tiredly ad he warily look between me and the big guy. I huffed before crossing my arms in annoyance, of course he only yells at me. He was the one who started it, I was just trying to finish it.

"Tobias. What a handsome name." The big guy in front of me mused to himself. I grunted and looked over at Josiah and rolled my eyes at the scolding look he was giving me. So much for being the joker of the group.

"Yeah, and what is yours? Billy Joe Bob?" I ask sarcastically. I didn't receive the reaction I got, but it was just as good. The hunk let out a booming laugh that seemed to boucle off the walls. It was rich and deep, almost like melted chocolate. I didn't noticed I was gauking until he snapped my mouth shut with his hand.

"No it is not Billy Joe Bob. It is Blaze." He answered with a smile still tugging on his lips. I felt his name bounce around my head for a few seconds before I approved, the way it sounded on my tongue sounded just as exotic as when I say Maddox and Josiah's names. I guess it's a perk of being mates.

"And what are your names? I know the little one is Tobias, but I have not heard of yours." Blaze said as he turned around and pinned Maddox and Josiah with his intense stare. Maddox and Josiah just blankly stared at him so I knew I would have to step up and introduce them.

"That's Maddox, he's apparently the alpah around here. And that's Josiah, I don't really know what he does around here." I said as I shrugged my shoulders. I honestly don't know what any of us will do, there are four of us, I don't think they need four alphas.

"Maddox, the alpha, Josiah, the silent, and Tobias, the sarcastic." He said as he smiled at all of us. I glared at him, but Maddox and Josiah only blushed. I can only imagine what is going on through their heads with the way they are staring at Blaze's body and the bright red painted on their cheeks, obviously it isn't anything innocent.

"Daddy!" I heard two voices cry before feet were pounding down the stairs. I crouched down in time to catch Finn and Fitz as the launches themselves at me. With the way they were acting you would think I have been down here for days.

I turned around to see Blaze staring at the boys with a tender look, Maddox and Josiah have the same look in their eyes. A voice inside my head whispers that I can trust them, that they won't hurt me, my pups, and my pack, but then there is my father in my head, saying I can't trust anyone, and I can't, not after what he did to me.

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