Chapter 19

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I seethed on the inside with the thought that someone had made my mate cry. When Josiah had linked me and told me what had happened I was ready to storm up the stairs and punch whoever made my baby cry, but then I found out it was because of Finn, and I know Tobias would never forgive me if I hurt his pup, our pup. The idea of hurting him makes my pain ache, but not as bad as the thought that someone had made my mate cry, the man who would one day carry mine, and my other two mate's pups. I never want Tobias to feel the pain he did today, but I can't gaurd him from everything, I know he is going to go through a lot of crap from Finn and Fitz, more so from Finn, but I have to let it be, I haven earned the right to say or do anything not until Tobias says it's okay, and I'll wait years until he says it's okay, hut until then, I'll hold my tongue, and hold Zane back from snapping at the young cub.


I knew that I should be angry, with the way Maddox is fuming in the corner and his hands clench as he stares at the door, contemplating if he should go show Finn a piece of his mind, I knew I should be. But I could bring myself to be mad. I see this kind of stuff all the time.

Before I had left my pack I helped my friend alot with his pup. He had gotten a female pregnant, jot his mate, and when he did find his mate, she rejected him because of the pup. I knew that he was angry at his pup, but he also loved him, he lived for him, so he couldn't hate him.

Just like how I can't hate Finn. He's a growing boy, a growing boy who seems to be showing an interest in girls. I know he is being an asshole about the whole thing, but I remember being the same way, so I can't be mad.

That doesn't mean I like seeing my mate passed out because he cried so much in the lap of my other mate. I wanted something to take my anger out on, but I just had my thoughts focused in on something else.


I was having mixed emotions from what had happened earlier this afternoon with Tobias and Finn. I knew that both of then we're in the wrong. To is shouldn't have been so hard on Finn, but then Finn shouldn't have chosen a girl over his own father and brother who have been there ever step of the way for him.

I knew that Maddox was pissed, and Blaze was mad, but I didn't really know what to be mad at. I'm usually a peaceful person, I would rather talk things out before resorting to yelling and violence, not that Tobias would ever harm Finn in any way, I just know that Tobias, and my other two knucklehead mates, are going to deal with things differently then me, and I'm just going to have to get use to it.



I don't understand why Finn hates me so much. I just want to show him I love him, and I always want to be with him and Daddy. They are the only ones I really love, although Maddox, Josiah, and Blaze are really cool, and Daddy said they are going to be around for a long time, because they are mates, but I don't want a mate, because I love Finn, and I'm only ever going to love him.

Alright guys. I know Fitz's POV was a big surprise, it was to me too because I didn't plan on using him at all, but it is also giving you a heads up on who book 2 will be about. 'Wink Wink' it's Fitz and Finn 'Wink Wink'.

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