Chapter 10

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"Now, who are these cuties?" Blaze asks as he kneels down onto the ground to be at the same level as Fitz and Finn, although he is still a few inches taller then them.

"They are Fitz and Finn, my pups." I say as I stare at him. He doesn't make any movement when I say that they are my pups, but I can tell that his shoulders tightened the smallest of bits before relaxing.

"Well, that certainly a surprise." Blaze said before standing up.

"We won't have to watch our backs though for a man on the hunt for his run away boyfriends and pups though, will we?" Blaze teases. I can see the glint in his eyes as he teases me and I know it brings him some sick kind of enjoyment to see me squirm.

"Adopted." I answer simply as I smirk back at him. His eyes gleamed in mirth before he chuckled.

"I think we are going to have a hard time taming you, baby." He said as he gestured to the three of them. I glared at him before covering Fitz and Finn's ear.

"What the fuck? No one is taming me." I growl as I stare down the three males, the three highly attractive males, three highly attracted males that are all mine for the taking. I growl at myself for thinking sick thoughts before directing my attention to the grinning bear.

"That's what you say now, baby. But when the three of us have you pinned dowm on the bed and ready to be mated, then we can talk." Maddox and Josiah tried to desperately hide their own giggles but they eventually broke free at my angry red face.

"As if! I will never be the bottom to you!" I cry out embarrassed. He only smirks at me as Maddox's and Josiah's giggles turn into howling laughter. I growl at the three of them before turning around and picking up Finn and Fitz. I walk to the stairs and take the winding stairs up to the door. I walked out of the cells and saw all of my pack members anxiously standing outside the door.

I am glad that they didn't force themselves to come in. A few of the pack members have bad memories containing being locked in cells, so I wouldn't force then to come downstairs. It must be the main reason why they waited.

Their faces smooth out with relief when they see the three of us appear out of the doorway. But their faces become confused when the notice the three laughing towers coming out of the doorway instead of two airheads.

"Now, what is this. You all reek of rouges." Blaze said as he looked at all seven of my remaining pack members.

"They are my pack." I answer firmly as I take the boys and standing next to Xavier. He looks at us in amusement, the only emotion he seems to have, then he opens his big fat mouth. With soft lips, lips that look so perfectly plump.... Ash whimpers in my head. I growl at him and he snarls back. I can't believe he is having those thoughts in my head! That is a total invasion of our agreement. They can think anything the want and voice it to me, as long as it isn't sexual.

"I can see that. Just the way you are standing proves that they are." He answers seriously while looking at me. I blink in surprise at him change in emotion before looking at Xavier, but he doesn't seem like much help right now with the way his jaw is touching the ground.

"What do you mean by 'the way I am standing.'" I ask harshly as I take a step forwards. Finn and Fitz slip down my body before going over to Bailey.

"You are standing with them, but slightly in front, so that if anyone tries to attack them, you have the advantage to rip them apart before they get to close. The way an alpha should be." He answers before turning to Maddox. "You act just like Maddox over here, so I would have to say that you have alpha blood, and are first born at that." He shrugs his shoulders as his eyes zero into mine intently.

"I am alpha born, first born like you said." I answer truthfully as I tilt my chin up. His lips quirk at my movement but he makes no other movement.

"Then why did they make you leave?" He ask softly as he looks to me, to my pack, to me. I blink my eyes at his blunt question.

"Because they couldn't handle what I had become." I say just as softly. His head quirks to the side. Maddox and Josiah move closer behind him in anticipation.

"And what was that?" I smirk sadly at his question. I ask that question everyday. What did they make me leave? Because I was a hybrid? Because I was too powerful? I don't know, all I know is that they felt threatened, and they weren't going to risk themselves.

"I guess because I was a hybrid, and they couldn't handle that one day I would be stronger then them."

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