Chapter 25

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"I don't like that you don't want us to have a part in any of this. I don't like that you don't want us there, because that means it's a lot worse then any of us could imagine, but if you think that we are going to sit our ass*s in these chairs while your out there doing God knows what, then your damn wrong." Blaze growled as he sat in his chair shaking. I've never seen the laid back man so angry, and it makes my heart clench knowing that I'm the reason for his anger.

"I wouldn't want anyone to have to live in the life I did." I say quietly, agreeing with him that my father's pack was a miserable one. I still wonder how my siblings ended up, if they are dead, alive, just as cruel as our father, or if they are like me. Love everyone for what they're worth, loving everyone no matter what happens, what they're like. I wonder if my mother ever cries for the son they banished away, or if I'm just a forgotten memory in all their heads.

"We understand that Tobias. We understand that you love so much you don't want anything to happen to said loved ones. We know that something terrible must have happened to all of you if you left your packs. Packs are meant to be family, so when you have to run from one because you think you might die, then something terrible must have happened. But now you aren't alone, you aren't the same person who ran away from your pack, you arent the same person who became a rouge so many years ago. You have us now, and we'll do everything we can to help you get our pup back safely, even if it means getting hurt along the way." I stare at Josiah in shock. I don't think I've ever heard him say more then at sentence or two at at time. He's the quiet one of the four of us, but I guess you can say the quiet ones are the ones who know how to shock you the most.

"That still doesn't change the fact that I don't want you all coming." I grumble as I fold my arms across my chest like a child. I would never admit it, but I think my lips pursed the tiniest of bits into a pout, I already knew I was losing this fight, three against one is never a fair fight.

"Doesn't change the fact that we are going to come regardless of what you say." Blaze sung in a sing-song voice. I glare at him before sighing and directing my gaze to the ground.

"If I let you come, will you promise me you'll be very careful to make sure you don't get hurt or caught, because I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if that happened to any of you." I say seriously while looking into all of their eyes, including Xavier's since he seems dead set on coming, no one hurts his son and gets away with it, but when Charlotte gives birth he most likely decide to stay here with her, and I don't blame him. I'm glad he would give up his life to help find my pup, his Alpha's pup.

"We promise we'll do whatever it takes to get Finn back, but we can't promise that we won't get hurt or captured, whatever it takes to get him back, we'll do it." Maddox answers just as firmly as I had before. I clench my jaw in anger before nodding shortly.

"Fine, I'll agree to that, but I don't want any of you purposely throwing yourselves in harms way. I want you to be smart and think things through before you risk your life. Okay?" All four of then nod at me. I smile briefly but then another image of a bloody and bruised Finn floods my mind and all I can think about is my pup.

Who knows how long he's been there already. I haven't seen him since last night when I went to go and check on him after he feel asleep. For all I know he could have been whisked away seconds after I left the room, or maybe it was a few minutes before I caught Kalani in the actor hurting Emerson and Ajax. I don't know when he was taken, and it would make me feel a lot better if I knew, because then I would know how long I have before he ends up like me.


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