Chapter 1 - Edited

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I watch my surroundings as I lead my pack forwards. Now, nine years later, the pack has grown to ten. Finn and Fitz, my two little lion Cubs, and I have been together for the whole time. The boys consider me their Daddy, and I don't know if anything besides that thought could make me any happier. When the boys first called me Daddy I almost cried but was able to hold it in at the last second.

Two years after I had found Fitz and Finn in the thorn bush we found Bailey. A male wolf who had turned rouge because his pack found it unjust that he was gay. I welcomed him with open arms and didn't think for a second he would try and hurt me or the boys. He couldn't even if he tried, by then I had grown to be about six foot two inches he only reached about five foot five inches, even if he did try and hurt us, he would be stupid to cross me when I could easily take him down. He is now 21 and still hasn't found his mate, which he hopes is a guy, but he is a loyal member to the pack and to all of us.

A year after that we had found Charlotte and Xavier. They were a bear and wolf mated pair, taboo from the traditional pack because their pup would have ended up being a hybrid. They refused to reject eachother and that caused them to be rejected and thrown out from their packs. The are both 24 and have a four year old pup, Ajax, and another pup on the way, which they are hoping is a little girl.

Three years ago we found Kayli by herself at a river, she had been five and a bear shifter. Her pack had given her up because she hadn't wanted to go with the girls and learn how to be a pack wife but instead wanted to be a warrior, the pack she resides in was a strong one, but had very traditional views of gender roles in the pack. Now, she is eight and practicing her 'moves' whenever she can for when we get in a fight with incurable rogues, rogues that refuse to put their hatred for packs behind them and join our small pack.

Last, but not least, is Emerson. We found him about a year ago roaming the forest, he is a jaguar shifter so he seemed content to stay in the trees and live out his days in solitary. He doesn't k own anything about his previous pack or if he was just born a rogue, but he is with us now. He is the sunshine in the pack and can make everyone smile. I think it is just horrible that a kid his age was left all alone in the forest with other people here that would no doubt hurt him for fun. But, Emerson is now four and is best friends with Ajax, they both instantly hit it off when we found him amd they haven't left eachother sides yet. If Emerson is doing something, so is Ajax, and the other way around.

Over they years we have learned to trust eachother, and although we are small, we are very strong. If we aren't able to change a rogue's ways, then we protect ourselves the best we can, and leave as soon as we can. It always pains me when we can't help someone, though. I feel as if everyone should have a second chance, but not everyone is smart enough to take that second chance when handed one.

"Daddy, when will we be there." I feel one of the boys jump onto my back and hug my neck. I grab his arms and turn around to see Fitz grinning at me. I smile back at him before hiking him higher up my back. Fitz giggling as he holds on tighter as I continue to walk.

"I don't know buddy. We should find somewhere soon though, I don't like Charlotte walking so much this far in her pregnancy." I say as I cast a side glance at Charlotte. She is holding her belly with one hand and Xavier's hand with the other. She doesn't seem to hear me, but I know she has been getting tired out quicker now being four months pregnant. It's pushing it to move five miles a day when we use to do ten to fifteen. I know she gets mad that we can't move faster but I would rather have her and the pup safe than harming them so we can travel faster. I always do what is in the best interests of each individual pack member and the pack as a whole. I would never push Charlotte farther than I know she can go, even if she says differently.

She really doesn't know when to stop. Tobias grumbles in my head. The wolf not liking how the pregnant female in the pack is always pushing herself harder and harder. I agree with him. She really doesn't know when to stop

"Well, I'm bored, so I'm gonna stay up here with you." Fitz announced as he climed higher on my back. I realised we might have to get some more clothes soon as I felt the rips in Fitz's shorts. We don't wear shirts very often, besides Charlotte and Kayli obviously. I think Xavier would kill us of we saw Charlotte without her shirt on. The fact that they are mates making him very protective of his mate, even to the other members of this pack. And Kayli is a little girl. She should have the privacy she deserves while she is growing into her body.

"Well, I don't know how much I can entertain you. Where's Finn? Maybe he would want to play with you?" I ask as he sets his head on top of mine. Fitz has always been more tactile than Finn. He needs to be around me, his father and his alpha, more that his brother. I think it might have to do with them being left alone when they were little, and somehow it affect Fitz more than Finn for some reason.

"He's talking to Kayli. I think he likes her because he always wants to play with her and not me anymore. He says I am boring." I can hear the pout in his voice as he talks. He tightens his hands on my shoulders before quieting. I sigh before swinging him around my body so we are face to face. I have also noticed that Fitz's and Finn's relationship has been a little tense lately, the two twins joined at the hip have been avoiding each other lately and it makes me sad to see.

What is wrong with our cubs?! Noxon snarls as he pushes forward. I feel furr sprout on my face and my eyes flash quickly before I am able to push Nixon back. I roll my eyes and sigh at the silly cat before looking into Fitz's eyes.

"We both know Finn loves you, and maybe he does like Kayli, but it doesn't mean he is going to forget you." I tell him as we rub noses. The fastest way to cheer both of them up is to Eskimo kiss. Honestly it warms my heart to do the small act with my little boys, I just hope they never get 'too old' for it.

I can see Finn eyeing us from where he is talking to Kayli and know he is suspicious about what is bringing his brother down. I know they need to have a heartfelt talk, but who knows if they will ever have it?

Fitz smiles brightly at me again before squirming out of my arms and running up to where Ajax and Emerson are playing. I watch them for a moment before the sound of rushing water meets me ears.

I smile as I think of the river as a good place for us to get food, bathe, and sleep. We all know that we could all use a good bath after the tough few days we have had.

"All right everyone. We are stopping at the river, get some food, wash yourselves. And find somewhere to sleep for the night." Charlotte tries to hide it but I see the slump of her shoulders after I finish speaking. She is obviously more tired that she has been letting on, and I am happy I made the decision to stop.

The younger kids cheer as they all run to the river. I smile as I follow behind them.

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