Chapter 12

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"Let's head back to the pack house. I don't want any wandering eyes to see us." Maddox said as his eyed scanned the forest and the pack house. I know that his pack is aware of him and Josiah being mates, so obviously they wouldn't be against him being gay, but having two other male mates, one being a rouge and a hybrid, who is also the alpha of a pack of nine misfit rouges. I don't know how welcoming they are, but I sure don't want to find out right now.

We all start walking to the large house. I can see all of my pack looking around in wonder, even though a few of us have seen a pack house and land, we all come from nasty packs that didn't care about their members. What I can remember about my old pack is that it was dirty, muddy, it's always seemed like it was raining. But here, I have never seen such a beautiful vast land with flowers and I can hear the sounds of rushing water indicating a river somewhere nearby.

"Daddy? Are we really staying here?" I look down at Fitz before heaving him up into my arms.

"Yeah, and if we really like it, we will stay forever, but we have to make sure we like it first." I tell him quietly, but not quiet enough because I see the hurt look on all of my mates faces. I wish I could make then happy, but I can't, not before knowing if I can trust them.

"Oh, well I like it here. It's so much nicer then the forest." He says as he swings his legs back and forth around my waist. I swallow heavily as I think about what he said. I haven't ever stopped to think about how the pups would feel to growing up in the forest, all I ever thought about was my needs, to stay away from a pack, that I didn't realize that maybe our pups wanted to stay in a pack.

"Yeah it is, but we are going to have to wear shirts again." He wrinkles his nose at me before shaking his head while shuddering.

"A shirt? Why would you wear one of those?" He ask incredulous. I only laugh before setting him back on the ground. He quickly hold my hand again before skipping beside me.

I look behind me and see Finn walking with Kayli. I know Fitz is aware that they are together, the tightness in his shoulders and pinch around the eyes tell me he's upset and irratated. I sigh as I turn back around, I really need to talk to Finn, and soon.


I smile as I look back at Tobias swinging his arm with one of our pups, Fitz, I think, since the other one is still hanging around the girl. And yes, I said our pup. Speaking for the three of us, I don't think any one of us cares that our beautiful mate has pups, even if they aren't biologically his, we accept them because our mate has. He might not believe it, but because he counts his little group as a pack, or family as he said - even though the two are the same - we think of them as our pack too.

By the smell of Blaze I can tell he isn't a rouge. He must have scent his mate nearby and went to far and trespassed. I'm glad no one hurt him, because one, it's against the rules, and two, he's my mate. Although I'm the alpha, even I know there is no way I can dominate that man. I have already had many fantasies of the four of us together, and even just with him. Tobias might be the one who combines all of us, but that doesn't mean that Zane doesn't feel any less connection with Blaze, as he does with Tobias, and even Josiah.

The moon goddess set us together for a reason. We might not know the reason now, but maybe someday, it will be revealed to us.


I sigh dreamily as I think of my three sexy mates. Although I was questioning my relationship with Maddox not even a few hours ago, I have realized my position in this relationship. Blaze, Maddox, and I are the dominant ones, and Tobias is the submissive, although so far he has been anything but submissive. I'm not stupid though, I know that Maddox or Blaze could make me submit to them any day, not with their dominant nature, but just the way they hold themselves, how they look. It's obvious that I am submissive to them. Even Maddox would be submissive to Blaze, and if the stares Maddox is giving him are any consolation, then he too won't mind being dominated.

I watch as the few pups run around. It is amazing that Tobias has been able to keep their innocence. Most rouge pups, when he finally get them, are scarred for life. They don't think they deserve to live because of the things their parents made them do, but we assure them that we will help them.

Just the past few months that I have been here with Maddox I have realized what I was missing in my pack. Love. Of course my parents love me,  but it was more of a forced love. I know that if I stay here, and convince all of my mates, I will finally be whole.


I sigh as I think, once again, about my mates. I have always imagined what my mate will look like, be like. But I never imagined in my whole life that I would be the lucky man to receive three mates.

I never had much importance before now. I lived in solitude, I was not rouge, I just simply like to be alone. But now that I have three delicious mates, and two little pups running around my ankles, I don't think I could ever leave this life behind, a life of chaos, mayhem, now that I have my mates, my pups, and even a pack, I feel whole.

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