Chapter 13

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"The pack isn't very large, their is only twenty of us, the men you met in the forest are our only warriors. We are small, but we are able to protect ourselves. Of course we have plenty of rooms for everyone since the pack house can house almost double the amount of pack members we currently have......" Maddox droned as he led us down long winding hallways and large rooms. I'm sure after the first five turns I was lost.

"This is the wing you will be staying in, it's the Alpha's wing, so you will all be close to me if you have any questions." Maddox finished off, although I think we all know the real reason he gave us rooms in the alpha wing.

"Uh, don't you and your mates want privacy to, um, you know, bang eachother?" Bailey asked while tilting his head to the side with a sickening innocent look adorned on his face. I reach my hand over and slap the back of his head lightly while letting out a growl. I could feel a blush rising on my cheeks no matter how much I tried to push it down.

"You won't have to worry about that, all the rooms are soundproof." I could see the glint in Maddox's eye as he smirked at me, if he thinks he, or anyone of them, is getting sex anytime soon, then they are crazy.

"Anyway. Here are you rooms, pick which ones you want, but the back four rooms are off limits, anyone else is yours." Josiah stressed as he looked at the others, mainly Bailey. Bailey only smirked at him before skipping into the open room right next door to him.

Slowly everyone found a room to stay in, besides Kalani and Emerson.

"Alpha? Where are we suppose to stay?" Emerson asks as he tugs on my arm with a frown. I frown back down at him before sighing, I hate the fact that Emerson and Kalani have no parents. I wish I could be their father, but we never grew the connection like I did with Fitz and Finn, and they seemed perfectly content with it, until now.

"You can either stay with Xavier and Charlotte, or with me and the boys I guess, whatever you want." I shrug my shoulders down at him. He beams at me before running into Xavier and Charlotte's room screaming about sleepovers. I shake my head before looking down at Kalani, but for some reason I know her answer before she says it.

"Can I stay with you, Alpha?" I nod my head before leading her and the boys to the back four rooms. I am assuming that these will be Blaze's, Maddox's, Josiah's, and my rooms, even though, and I don't want to admit it, I will most likely someday end up in one of the others beds.

Maddox holds open one of the doors open for us before beconing us to go in the room first. Finn grabs Kalani's hand and quickly pulls her into the room. Fitz watches after him with a frown before he heaves a sigh and enters the room by himself.

My heart breaks as I watch Fitz's break. I don't know why, but Fitz has an attachment to Finn, one that Finn is yet to realize.

I enter the room after Fitz, not room, but apartment. Their is a kitchen, two bathrooms, three bedrooms, and a living area. Kalani and Finn are jumping on the bed in one room while Fitz sits on the couch with his hands folding in his lap. I sigh again before making my way to him and picking him up in my arms. He immediately wraps his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist.

"I'm sorry baby, I know you miss him." I whisper in his ear before pressing a soft kiss on his hairline. He sticks his head in my shoulder before breathing in my scent. I rub his back as I take in the large apartment. It seems as if the color theme is blue and cream with some gold here and there, but otherwise it feels like and totally calm environment.

I feel a large hard touch the small of my back softly and another join my own as I stroked down Fitz's back. I looked up into Blaze's brown eyes and gave him a faint smile. His eyes drifted down to Fitz in a questioning manner. My own eyes shift to Finn in an answering gaze. His head comes down in am overexagerated nod as he gazes at the giggling boy and girl jumping on the bed. He gives Fitz's head a faint kiss before kissing my forehead and leaving the room to the one across the hall. I fight the blush on my cheek and just barely keep it down. But when Josiah and Maddox come and give me similar gestures, I'm not able to deny the the blush that rises in my cheeks. They smile at me before heading to their own rooms. All of them leave their doors open in invitation, but I close mine with a soft thud.

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