Chapter 32

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Maddox's  POV

Learning that Finn and Fitz might be mates has changed everything. I was mad a first that Blaze had come in and interrupted Josiah and I, maybe I would have let it slide if he joined us, but then I heard what he had to say, and I knew it was slightly more important then lip locking with one of my mates.

If Finn and Fitz never make up, then they'll never be happy, and if they aren't happy, then Tobias won't be happy. He's the center of us, the reason we all get to be together. And we can't have him slowly withering away from us. We need him, just as much as he needs us.

We aren't blind, we have noticed that Tobias hasn't been sleeping well, the bags under his eyes are enough proof. We also know the change between being Rouge for so many years and then being part of a civilized pack is taking a toll on him and his pack, all of his pack members have been sticking together, they don't mingle a lot, and I think it has to do with the fact tht they haven't been able to mingle with anyone beside themselves, so they have learned to accept  that that is all they will ever have.

Tobias is like this too. I don't blame him for what he is doing, but we still haven't formally introduced him and his pack to the pack, Blaze too. Most members have only heard the bad things about Tobias, which aren't even true.

Tobias couldn't hurt an innocent person. I knew that the moment I heard that he had killed Kalani, but I was also mad that everyone was saying that our mate was a fraud, that he was going to turn on the pack and kill all of us.

I grew angry, and I let their ideas fester in my mind, and I let them control my judgement, and I was right. Tobias never wanted to hurt her, he did what he had to do to keep his pack safe.

And the price of keeping his pack safe was the life of the one who threatened it.

"Why do you think of this?" Josiah asks after Blaze had left, he wanted to go back and watch Tobias and Fitz. My heart thumps painfully, I haven't seen either of them lately, and I feel empty with the knowledge of so.

"I feel almost defeated. I was the one to suggest the breaking of the bond, now that Mena that I'm the one everyone is going to fall on when they don't feel their mating bond when they are older because they couldn't repair the bond." I say honestly as I sag into my chair. Everyone thinks being alpha is easy, sit around and tell people what to do, sign your name here, things like that, but it's not really that easy. You have to make designs that you think will benefit the most, and sometimes people are hurt in the process.

I thought of this idea because I thought it would help everyone involved, but it seems as if it has only caused more problems. 

"No one will blame you for this Maddox. You are a good man, a good mate. Tobias would never put the blame on you, he knows you were trying to save his, our pup, and to do that you had to do what you thought was best. If we had known about their possible mating it might have changed our thinking, but know Tobias' stubbornness, and Fitz being his son, Fitz wouldn't have let you do anything, he would have demanded that you let him help. You need to know that they love you, and this decision isn't going to change that." I look at Josiah before nodding.

"Thank you, I needed to hear that."

"Isn't that what I  here for, to put actual sense into all of your useless brains?" I growl playfully before grabbing Josiah and pinning him against the wall.

"You wanna play, let's play." I growl. I grab both of his arms and hold them above his head, I use my other hand and tickle him up and down his body.

Right now we are able to forget the weight on our shoulders, and it's all because the love of a mate, the feeling I might have just took away from our pups.

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