Chapter 27

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I smirk when Maddox finish his place ideas. Just the idea that my mate came up with the brilliant plan is sexy. I don't know how it is, but I can feel desire swirling in my chest, and by the look in the others eyes, I could see that they were just as affected as I am, but all of us knew we couldn't act on our dwsires, not right now at least, but when we had Finn back safe and sound, we could do all the dirty things we wanted.

Now, we just had to secure one part of the plan.


I was nervous (and slightly angered) when Maddox first said that he was going to be a part of the plan, but when Maddox assured me he wouldn't be anywhere near the pack, I relaxed, but only a little bit.

I know that Fitz would do almost anything for his brother, but I'm not sure he would be willing to do what we are asking of him. I'm not sure that he would be able to physically or mentally be able to do what we need him to do.

We need him to break his bond from Finn completely.

When Maddox suggested this part of the plan I wasn't the only one to blow up. All three of my mates had grown close to the small boy, and his brother by extension, although he wasn't around much, or cared to be, and all of us were furious that Maddox was willing to risks Finn's and Fitz's lives by trying to break their bond.

No one could really tell how a wolf bond breaking with someone will go, but one thing that you do know, the stronger the bond, the harder it is. I was willing to let Fitz do this, but only if he was willing to do it, we would never force him to do this, but if he choses that this is what he wants to do, then we'll do it, and hopefully it will lead us to where Finn is, and the pain he is in.


"Fitz, we need your help getting Finn back." Maddox mumured as we all sat around the small boy. Fitz seemed confused so I took over for Maddox.

"Finn has been taken by some really bad people, and we found a way that could lead us to him, but we need your help to get there. What we are asking of you is painful for a shifter to do, and we would never force you to do it. But, what we need is for you to break your bond with Finn, in the few seconds that the bond is breaking you'll be able to see a direct route to where Finn is. Again, you don't have to do this, your bond will repair if you let it, but you will feel pain." Fitz seemed to grow paler the linger I talked, but when I finished a determined look filtered over his face.

"I'll do it, and if Finn doesn't want to repair the bond, then that's his fault. He didn't want to be around me, so I guess this is what's best for everyone." Fitz said before he stood up and walked to his room, that he used to share with Finn.

We all stared after him, was it the best idea to do this, I could have been the one to break the bond, but I had my own role to play during Finn's rescue, I wish I could take Fitz's spot and take the pain, but I know I can't do both,  I would be in to much pain.

Fitz will never be the same. He'll break the bond with Finn, and if Finn refuses to repair the bond, they could both slowly deteriate. And if I'm right, then they are mates.

If the way Fitz acts around Finn, it's obvious. He adores and love Finn, more then then a brotherly love. He doesn't want to do or say anything by about it because of how Finn has been acting as of late. I hope they do make up, because if they don't, then their whole future will be different.

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