e l e v e n

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"Kitten!" I heard my door bang open.

"Hm?" I mumbled half asleep.

"Help!" I heard Hayes begged. He rushed over to my bed and buried himself under the sheets beside me.

"What? What's wrong?" I jumped frantically and rubbed my eyes to adjust to the brightness.

"We're coming Hayes!" I heard Johnson and Nash call from the distance.

"Hayes you scared me I thought something was wrong!" I huffed annoyed whilst flopping back onto my pillow.

"Where's Hayes?" Nash questioned angrily storming into my room soaked in water. Water dripped from his damp hair onto my bedroom floor. Johnson followed soon after, drenched in water also. Their hair stuck onto their foreheads and their shirts sunken onto their bodies.

I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. "What happened to you guys?"

"SOMEONE decided to wake us up by pouring water on us!" Johnson snarled.

"So, where is he?" Nash asked searching around my room.

"Oh, right here." I grasped my bedsheets before peeling them off of Hayes. Hayes was curled up into a ball terrified.

"Oh you-" Nash groaned and stormed towards him. Each step leaving a puddle of water.

"No! I'm sorry!" Hayes jumped up and rushed out of my room screaming. Nash and Johnson chased after him whilst yelling out their complaints.

"Wait!" Johnson paused and jotted to my room again. "Remember to wear your jersey today!" His lips pulled into a smile before he disappeared again.

I groaned and kicked my legs off the bed. I trotted towards the bathroom. Stepping into the shower, I thought about my family at home. I ponded leaning onto the wet tiled walls, the warm water sprinkled over my body.

I quickly hopped out of the shower and wrapped the fluffy towel around me letting them soak the water droplets from my skin. I pulled up my sports shorts and fitted into my jersey that Sam once owned. It was white with blue patches. I wore it to one of his football games cheering him on. I tucked it into my shorts making sure I don't leave parts of the jersey sticking out. I tied my hair high up into a ponytail and finished my look by painting two white stripes across my cheeks. I slipped on a simple black jacket over and wore my sneakers.

I was so ready.

"Hey!" I chirped walking into the kitchen looking at everyone dressed in their jerseys and a jacket covering themselves from the morning coldness.

"Hey!" They replied. Johnson and Nash were cleaned up as well.

Johnson and Jack had red strips across their faces while Nash and Hayes have blue. Matt went a simple white like me, and Cameron had black.

"Hey beautiful!" Cameron smiled gently at me. Redness crept onto my cheeks slightly.

"Hello." I smiled at him.

"Ready for today, if we have to go against each other you're so going down!" He smiled sliding his hands around me.

"Sure you will!" I glared at him.

He swooped me up and ran to the lounge room tackling me to the floor.

"It's so on!" I groaned shoving him off of me.

"I'll watch." He smirked.

"Ow!" I frowned wincing. "What's wrong, are you hurt?!" He panicked quickly getting off me. I smirked getting up.

"And that's how you do it," I said brushing my hands on each other making me give him an impression of 'it was easy'.

"Cheater!" He rolled his eyes laughing.

"But you love me!" I smiled. "Ummm, that's debatable." He shrugged.

"Excuse me!" I gaped placing my hand on my heart.

"Mhm, that's right girl!" He sassily said clicking his fingers.

I laughed and crawled over to him, he wrapped his arms around me letting my head bury into his chest while he rests his chin on my head.

I looked up into his eyes. He was beautiful. "You're beautiful." I said cupping his cheeks. "You're gorgeous." He said and pecked my lips.

"Aaron, Carter, Taylor!" I heard the boys yell. Everyone walked to the lounge room including three unfamiliar boys.

Cameron pressed his lips softly on my temples before pulling away to greet the boys.

"I'm Aaron." one of the guys said coming up to me.

"Kayla." I smiled shaking his hand.

"Carter." the other one comes over to me. He has pretty cool glasses to be honest.

"Taylor." the guy who was wearing a bandana says.

"Hi." I smiled. All the boys were crowding around in a circle planning sports and teams, leaving Aaron and I alone.

I sit on one of the couch.

"Hmm Cameron's girl yeah?" He smirked sitting on the other sofa.

"Yeah." I laughed.

"Lucky you, he's a good guy." he smiled. "Trust me I know and he's nowhere near good!" I laughed.

"So you live here?" He asked.

"Nah, came from Chino but I grew up here when I was younger. Cameron took me here with him." I said.

"Oh okay." He nodded.

"Okay! Aaron, Johnson, Matt, Nash and Cameron, you guys are a team." Jack said.

"And Jack, Hayes Taylor, Carter and Kayla, other team." Johnson finished.

"Okay sweet!" I smiled.

"Okay, basketball, volleyball and after that, football." Nash said.

"In this backyard." He finished.

The backyard, not to lie, was pretty dang big. Everyone rushed outside piling onto the door at once which left major traffic.

"Let's go!" Nash yelled. Not a sports person to be honest. I'm more of a music and book person. Blast Shawn Mendes music while reading is like heaven. Oh and don't even get me started with The Vamps.

"Kitten!" Hayes said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Game starting now." He said. I got into position for basketball.

"I'll chuck." I grabbed the ball and stood in the centre of the court. Jack and Cameron stood on both sides of me ready to jump. I launched the ball into the air and stepped back watching the boys slam the ball. Jack however, managed to reach first, considering his vertical is amazing. He slapped the ball backwards towards us. I saw the orange ball come towards me, quickly jumped up I grasped the ball in both my hands and landed safely.

"Nice!" I heard someone yell.


"Half time!" Matt said grabbing the ball and stopping the game.

Everyone left the court and got the water bottles chugging it all at once. We were sweaty and all red.

"Hot!" I said sticking my tongue out.

"Yeah," Jack agreed. I peeled my jacket off of my sweaty skin and placed it on the chair leaving it to hang. I watched everyone do the same.

"Nice shirt!" Jack said reading my last name on the back.

"You too!" I said reading his.

"Thomson," he laughed. "Gilinsky." I laughed back.

After thinking for a few seconds, my face dropped.

I saw the same look on Jack.

"Kayla?" He asked with wide eyes and his mouth slightly hung open.

"Jack." I gasped.

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