t h i r t y - t h r e e

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"C-Cameron.." I heard very faintly, it was Aaliyah. My eyes shot open straight away. I quickly got out of my bed and sprinted out of the room. My warm feet touching the cold tiles as I ran. Running through the dark hallways. It was literally 5 in the morning which is WAY too early.

I ran to Kayla's room and turned on the light. Aaliyah was in her makeshift bed on the ground beside the broken bed with the sheets covering her face, well most of her face. Her knees tucked in a ball and her eyes bloodshot and puffy. I turned off the light and switched her lamp on since my eyes were not used to such brightness.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly as I sat on the edge of her bed. "Bad dream, nightmare." She said with tears still dripping down her cheeks. My eyes softened as I climbed in the sheets beside her. I pulled the sheets off of her face and I used my thumb to wipe her tears.

"It's okay, do you want to talk about it?" I asked bringing her closer to me. This again reminded me of Kayla, that nightmare she had on the first night here.

"S-Shawn.." She muttered. My fists clenched tighter, that son of a bitch. He's fucking ruining everyone's lives. People even get nightmares because of him! Aaliyah's warm, small fingers wrapped around my hand making me loosen the grip.

"Don't be mad.." She softly said. "I'm not mad.." I sighed as her head rested on my chest.

"He scares me now... I don't want him to have legal parenting over me." She said softly playing with my fingers. My eyes lightened as I thought of the best idea.

"Go sleep, you're going to be fine. No one's ever going to hurt my princess." I smiled at her, I kissed her forehead softly and turned of the lamp. I brushed her baby hair off of her face and smiled. Yes she might be 10 years old and could be too old for this, but she's fragile. Loosing both of your parents then having an abusive brother is something not every child goes through, sadly Aaliyah has and she's delicate. She's someone I have to look after, the only person keeping me sane right now.


"Aaliyah." I whispered shaking her lightly. The sun's light was shining slightly through her curtain sheets. I needed to get ready for today but Aaliyah was comfortably sleeping on my chest. Her body rose every time she breathed in, her soft snores filling the room. Her eyes fluttered open.

"Get up and get changed" I smiled at her. She nodded stretching.

I walked into my room, I showered and changed into sweats and a plain white shirt. The house is so quiet nowadays, Jack, Johnson, Hayes, Nash, and Matt. We all live here and everyday there use to be no quietness at all, if there ever is then it would have been a depressing day. But it's now depressing everyday, Nash is never quiet home, he lost himself and always hangs out with Jc and Kian now. Jack and Johnson are working on their new album so they're hardly home since they have to go to Los Angeles. Hayes is obviously with Kayla back in Chino, it's now only Matt, Aaliyah and I against the world.

I walked to the kitchen making 3 bowls of cereal. I smiled remembering when Aaliyah first ate it, how her eyes fluttered in delight. She came running down the hallway in simple jeggings and a jumper. She sat on the seat and gobbled up her cereal.

"Slow down there champ." I laughed patting her back. Matt came down yawning still in his pjs. Sleepy dinosaur.

He sat on the table and ate his cereal slowly, when I say slowly I mean VERY SLOWLY. "

"God my grandma can eat faster." I laughed smacking the back of his head. "Ow!" He yelped rubbing the back of his head.

"Thanks Cameron, here's my bowl now excuse me there's a Teen Wolf marathon that I NEED to watch." She said quickly running to the television. I laughed shaking my head lightly. Gotta love her.

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