f i f t e e n

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I gasped jolting into the air. My nose flared inhaling the air. I sat straight up from the bed breathing heavily.

I peered around noticing that it was all dark, it must be night. I turned beside me to see the bed empty.

I shook my head and ripped the blanket off my sweaty legs. I slipped out of bed and softly trotted to the living room. From a distance I heard someone laughing. A female.

"Julie?" I asked walking closer. My heart sank to my feet. Cameron was on the couch with Julie on his lap sucking each other's faces.

"Oh hey." she smiled. "Cameron?" I asked looking at him. My voice cracked. Tears pooled in my eyes.

"Hey Kayla." He smiled. Why is he smiling like there's nothing wrong? Do they not know what this is or something? "Are you stupid or something?" I spat feeling a warm tear run down my cheek.

Cameron just laughed and stood up. Julie walked up to me. "Honey..." She placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Don't you fucking touch me!" I slapped her hand away from me. I was boiling in anger.

"Why?" I asked. "Why would you fucking do this!" I shoved Cameron.

"What? It was just a kiss Kayla." He said fixing his shirt. "Just a kiss?" I was going to blow. My blood boiled. I was a ticking time bomb.

"Do you not love me?" I cried. I dropped to my knees. My heart felt like it was shattered.

"Why does it shock you though? We just started dating and well my feelings aren't that strong. You're a nice girl but realistically looking in the future, you're not someone I can fall in love with. Upsetting you had to find out this way." He shrugged.

I guess he's right. To actually think I'd find love. I shook my head laughing. I brought myself back on my feet. "I'm an idiot."

I walked away going to Hayes. I didn't knock I just barged in. He was awake playing his X-box.

He looked up at me and noticed that I was in tears. "It's Cameron isn't it?" He asked stopping his game.

I nodded crying. He stood up and walked over to me, grabbing my hand and engulfs me in a warm hug.

"He's not worth your tears Kayla. What did he do?" His fingers ran through my hair softly. I dug my face deeper into his shoulder and sobbed.

"And this is exactly why you should have listened to me." He spat harshly. "What?" I looked up at him. He ripped me off of his chest and pushed me against the wall. My back slammed into a shelf. I hissed in pain.

"I told you so." He laughed pinning me against the wall.

"I want you. I need you." He spat angrily.

"But you still chose him over me!" My shoulders ached in pain.

"I loved you, I cared for you. I pushed my feelings away to let someone so idiotic have you to himself. I fucking crave you, but you still chose him. Kayla why?!" He screamed crying.

"I-I'm sorry," I said feeling more tears spilling out of my eyes. "Shut up!" He yelled. I tightened my lips together to prevent the sounds of my sobs.

"I said shut up!" He slapped my face letting my cheek sting. I decided to make a run, I quickly escape Hayes' grip dashing for the door. I ran for life into Nash's room. I was desperate, he was the closest room to Hayes.

"Nash? Nash?" I cried rushing into his room. He wasn't there but I saw a younger looking Nash on the floor crying and repeatedly getting beaten by a man.

"Dad, stop!" He screamed. Dad? I watched the scene shocked. His Dad didn't stop at all, he looked angry, furious. Sweat dripped from his forehead.

"Stop!" Nash screamed, his voice cracked at the end. I can't stand this I ran out again and ran to Jack's room. Why didn't I go to Jack first?

I walked into his room seeing his face cupped in his hand.

"Jack?" I asked going closer to him. He looked up at me.

"D-David." I backed away immediately.

"Don't David me, I'm your father!" He exclaimed standing up. No, I won't ever consider him a father.

"Go away!" I yelped.

"Jack can't rescue you now can he? He's not here to tell me what's best for you. He tricked me. He loved you." He pouted at me. The fakest pout ever.

"You asshole."

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