f o r t y - s i x

302 17 2

one week later


I've let Jack look after Kayla since she doesn't want to see me right now. I don't mind though, I'll wait till she's better then I'll talk to her. I laid on my bed until I heard a knock at the door.

"Yeah?" I asked turning over on the bed. I saw Aaliyah walk in from my door.

"She's been better, actually she's really good. She wants to talk to you." She said informing me. I sighed nodding and rubbed my eyes.

"Hurry up." She chuckled lightly. I gave her a weak smile and trotted over to the door.

"Goodluck." She whispered as I walked into Jack's room.

I knocked on the door and it was open so I pushed it. I was Kayla hanging her head low at the edge of the bed. My stomach started to feel queasy.

"Hey." I softly said as I sat beside her. I saw a glimpse of her face from the patch of sunlight that was shining through the curtains. Her soft arms wrapped around my figure. It felt nice, I felt felt warm. It was a feeling a missed, I missed her touch.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked as I rubbed her hands with my thumb, I missed her touch, her warm and gentle skin on mine. She nodded weakly as I leaned forward to press a kiss on her hair. The smell I miss as well, her smell was pleasant and something I'll always crave for.

"Look Kayla, I have to tell you something." I said hanging my head low as well as her figure was still stretched around mine.

"Shoot." She said back and I nodded missing those words. The words we once used in high school or when we were kids.

"About Shawn..." I said. "This is going to be hard to tell." I pursed my lips together as I laid on Jack's bed.

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked her. "No of course not, I was over reacting. I know she kissed you." She said softly as she laid on my chest. "I'm sorry." I said tearing up.

"Don't cry." She whispered as she smiled.

"Shawn he-" I sighed as I explained everything.


I told her about Shawn, Julie, Peyton and her dad. It was tough for her. She cried a bit but she was strong. She wasn't mad at me for not telling her because she understands. Lately I feel like she's been more genuine and understanding, she isn't aggressive towards the news I give her and she now waits for an explanation. She's different and I guess it's good in a way, it's not a big change to make me miss her old self though.

We were in my bed, Aaliyah in the centre of us. Just family.

"We should go out." I suggested. Kayla nodded smiling as she turned over and wrapped her arm around Aaliyah.

"Let's go to the fair down the road, it just opened!" She smiled excitedly as her eyes sparkled in excitement and I nodded agreeing.

"Okay we're going, get changed." I laughed as I chucked my legs to the side of the bed. We all lazily slipped out of bed.

"Your clothes are here." I said to Kayla as I pointed to the corner of my room. "Oh." She chuckled and nodded as she trotted away, every once in a while scraping her heels on the carpet floor.


I grabbed my clothes and went to shower. I guess Cameron's been really nice with all of this. He's been helpful as well as Aaliyah and Jack, wouldn't ask for any better people, I love them.

I let out a breath of relief. I let the warm beads of water run against my skin. Who would have ever thought Shawn would be capable of doing this? Now he's in jail and all his fans are disappointed, he was going on tour as well. I'm still surprised I haven't visited the doctor though Jack suggested I should which I will... soon. I've never imagined Shawn being that person, it seemed so... out of shape. It wasn't him, it was like a demon possessing his body.

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