t h i r t y - e i g h t

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A month later


"Bye baby." I said kissing Cameron's cheek. "Stay safe, call me if anything goes wrong." Cameron said. I nodded and walked out.

"Hey Kayla." Shawn greeted. "Hey Shawn." I smiled jumping into his car.

Shawn and I started talking again, he was sorry for what he did and Cameron was surprisingly okay with it as well. Shawn and I have gotten closer and we've been talking more but it's different, he knows well that he can't touch me because of Cameron.

He's also been opening up about his music and his tastes in them. It really has changed over these weeks. Also Aaliyah, Cameron and I have been more closer like family. We've basically done everything together lately and also it does actually feel like Cameron and I are parents.

"So we're off to the beach like always." Shawn smiled driving.

Yeah that reminds me, Shawn and I have this secret area at this specific beach where we just hang around. It was currently 9 at night.

"So there's this song I really want to complete." Shawn said. I nodded. "Sing it to me." I smiled. He nodded and started singing.

"What if I told you a story, all about someone who loved you. What if I told he's sorry made you wait, what if I told he's dying cause he can't change history, what if I told you that someone was me." He sang.

"Oh my god Shawn" I smiled. "That's such a beautiful song." I gasped.

"Continue it please." I begged whining. "I will, I will." He smiled. "You better." I laughed.

We entered our little hideout, it was actually not that secret I guess. It's a little area on the edge of the cliff. No one goes there because it's hidden by all these bushes and trees. Shawn and I managed to clean up the area and put some blankets and stuff. Hopefully it doesn't rain. Shawn grabbed his guitar and we headed to the cliff.


Kayla and Shawn has been getting closer. I know I can't do anything to stop her because it's really risky. "Cameron?" Aaliyah asked. I turned over to her.

"Yes? I asked. "When is Kayla going to be my real mum?" She asked.

"Aaliyah, I'm only 20" I laughed pulling her closer to me as the television screen in front of us, flashed lights on our faces. "I know," she frowned. "And Kayla's only 18"

"Maybe when we're older, because marriage is something difficult. It declares that you're now husband and wife but to me I think weddings and marriage and all that is not necessary." I explained.

"Because once you're married, you're trapped. You don't have much freedom, even when you're in a relationship." I said as she looks at me taking in all my words.

"When you're single and alone, you have the freedom to travel places, meet new people and enjoy more experiences. But when you're dating it's like, you have to be dedicated and text your partner because you miss them or you have limits of meeting certain people because of jealousy and all that."

"When you're married it's worse, or having a family of your own. You have to stay home because wherever you go, you have to take your kids with you. It costs more, you have to have responsibility to look after them, it's just very difficult."

"What's the point of weddings or marriage anyways? It's basically spending heaps of money just to clarify that you're now together? Like I can just live with Kayla being my girlfriend, yeah I can marry her but I'd prefer a wedding in just like a house with a mini mudcake or something." I laughed.

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