t w e n t y - n i n e

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I yawned waking up, I didn't even know I fell asleep. I found myself tightly wrapped in between Hayes' arms. He was also asleep as well, leaning against the edge of my bed. I never realised what an angel he was. How come I never realised he has three moles beside the left of his lips. I laughed realising what good friend I was. I carefully and slowly took my phone and snapped a picture of his face, he's so cute!

I laughed checking the time. 7:00pm, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. The plane leaves in an hour!

"Hayes!" I whispered half scream shaking him. "Hm?" He hummed still half asleep. "The plane leaves in 10 minutes!" I lied trying to make him get up.

"Shit!" He yelled all of a sudden, he stood up quickly and in the process of that, he dropped me. "Gee thanks." I mumbled standing back up.

"Oh my god, sorry. Wait here I have to go pack" He said rushingly, he planted a quick kiss on my forehead and ran to his room. Weird.

I sighed realising my Dad is actually gone, he changed my life completely. I wouldn't have been here if it wasn't for him, Sam and Mum. He always knew how to cheer me up.

I changed into sweats and a cute mickey mouse shirt, I hung my headphones over my neck and wore my backpack. "Hayes! Are you ready?!" I screamed. "Yep!" He screamed back. I laughed grabbing my luggage and rolled it out of my room.

"Come on, we're going to be late! 10 minutes probably already passed!" He yelled. "Awe Hayes! I was kidding." I laughed at him. He paused.

"You fucking serious?" He groaned. I smiled innocently before realising something.

"Shit!" I yelled facepalming. "What's wrong?" Hayes asked looking at me confused. "I forgot to tell Jack!" I said, he laughed.

"JACK!" I screamed calling for him. "WHAT?" He screamed walking toward us. "I'm going to Chino Hills right now." I said pointing to my luggages.

"WHAT?!" He screamed shocked. I trotted over to him. "Sorry, late notice.." I mumbled scratching the back of my head.

"Why are you going?" He asked. "I feel quite homesick." I lied.

"Argh, I'm going to miss you." He said pulling me into a hug. "Miss you more." I smiled. "Never" He said before kissing my forehead.

"Want me to drop you off?" He asked. "Please." I laughed grabbing my things.

"Off to the airport!" He yelled pointing towards the door. Hayes and I started to laugh while following him.


"Where the fuck is Kayla?!" I panicked over to Jack.

"Like you care." He rolled his eyes. "Jack please, where is she?" I asked getting irritated. He's still pissed off at the fact I "cheated" on Kayla.

"She went back to Chino." He said simply. "Why?" I asked. "Homesick." He said walking away. I felt so fucking bad. She lied to Jack, she wasn't homesick. It was her Dad's fucking funeral. I let out a frustrated groan.

"Oooh, someone's mad." Shawn said smirking. "Oh fuck off!" I yelled pushing him.

"Kayla is going to be up for one big surprise." Shawn smirked. "What do you mean?!" I spat. He grinned evilly and walked away.

I walked into my room angrily. Shawn fucks up everything, I just want Kayla back. Having her between my arms, being able to kiss her, having her smile lighting up the world, I fucking miss her. All because of Shawn she's gone, she will find someone that would treat her better than I can. Someone who won't do stupid things like me. Someone that's not me..

I ran back outside and walked to Shawn's house. I swear I'm going to kill him. That little fucking idiot. I knocked on the door. The door opened and Shawn's little sister Aaliyah was there standing. She's so small, a little 10 year old holding her teddy. My eyes soften.

"Is Shawn here?" I asked. Her eyes were droopy and red. She didn't reply. I bent down and looked at her. "Hey, are you alright?" I asked her softly. Her saddened eyes locked with mine becoming glossier by the second.

"Don't cry..." I said wiping her tears.

"Aaliyah, where the fuck are you?!" Shawn screamed. She got frightened and stepped away from me. Shawn's footsteps got closer.

"Why the fuck are you standing there?!" Shawn spat at her.

"Don't talk to her like that!" I yelled at him.

"Cameron what the hell are you doing here? Get out!" He yelled dragging Aaliyah to a wall and pushed her roughly. Her back hit the wall while her screams filled my ears.

"Dude what the fuck?!" I yelled at Shawn pushing him aside. I scooped Aaliyah in my arms and held her close.

"You shouldn't be treating her like that!" I yelled at him.

"Go take her I don't fucking care about her!" Shawn yelled. I was so tempted to punch the living shit out of him but Aaliyah has been through enough. I walked away with Aaliyah still in my arms.

Her tears wetted my shirt. "Shh.. it's okay, everything is going to be okay." I whispered to her. I walked inside the house and placed her on the kitchen counter. I grab the first aid kit.

"P-please d-don't hurt m-me." She said barely audible. "No, no I'm not going to hurt you." I said softly. I wiped her tears and smile at her.

0Don't be afraid of me, I'm here to help." I whispered to her. I wrapped her cuts carefully and kissed her bruises.

"Where are your parents?" I asked her. "D-dead" She whispered.

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