e i g h t e e n

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I smiled at the memory of last night. I looked beside me seeing Cameron still asleep. I kissed his cheek softly and slipped out of bed heading into my room.

I entered my bathroom, changing into sweats and a Mickey Mouse t-shirt. I slipped on my black ankle socks as usual. Okay time for decorating.

I jumped onto my chair logging into my computer. I printed out the pictures of Shawn and I from last night. There were three pictures. I also ordered some things from Shawn's merch store.

I ordered four posters and a Toronto seal flag. It was about one hundred and fifty dollars which was expensive, inclusive of shipping but I saved up and plus, it's worth it. I filled in the details and logged off.

"Hey guys!" I waved at everyone at the kitchen. I grabbed a banana before sitting on the stools.

"Cameron still asleep?" Jack asked entering the kitchen. "Yeah." I replied shrugging slightly and peeled the banana.

"How was yesterday?" Jack smirked leaning on the table, elbows proped up and his chin rest on his palm.

"I met Shawn!" I smiled. "Oh that's really cool!" He smiled.

"I know, like he was there, like right there!" I said pointing in front of me. Jack just chuckled shaking his head.

My phone started ringing, I read the caller.

'Baby Jelly 😋'. Which is Julie.

"Hellooo!" I said through the phone.

"Kayla, shops now. Makeover today!!" Julie squealed through the phone. I groaned loudly.

"Seriously?" I said.

"YES! You're going." She said, I rolled my eyes laughing. "N-" Julie cutted me off.

"Okay you're coming, picking you up in five!" She said. "Julie, I didn't even reply!!" I yelled.

"Too bad. HAHA bye!" She said ending the call. I groaned chucking my banana peel in the bin.

Julie Julie Julie. "What was that about?" Jack laughed.

"Shopping and makeover with Julie." I sighed. "Ooooh!!" Jack said in a high pitch voice trying to be a basic white girl.

"Don't ever do that again." I laughed walking to my room. "Oh come on Kayla it was pretty good." He said. "Mhm dream on Jackie."

I changed into black skinny jeans with a white shirt and my denim jacket to top it off. I tied my hair in a ponytail, slipped my phone in my pocket and laced up my black converse.

"Cameronn!" I sung extending the last part of his name while walking into his room still finding him dead asleep. I jumped on him, straddling his waist. "I'm going out." I said shaking him.

"Mmm..." He mumbled. "Babe." I repeated. He placed his hands securely on my waist. He ran his thumbs over my hip bone.

"Okay baby." He said in a deep voice. Chicken balls it was sexy. I leaned down to plant a kiss on his forehead but instead of kissing his forehead, Cameron's arms pulls me closer towards him making me kiss his chin. I felt him chuckle underneath me.

"Okay, bye!" I said sitting up. "Have fun." He said letting my go. I walked out of his room to the living room already finding Julie sitting on the couch.

"What up boo!" She said. "Hi bups." I smiled. "Ready?" She asked standing up with her keys in her hand.

"Not really..." I walked out the door. She followed as we jumped into the car. "Okay we are going to buy you dresses, skirts, some heels, makeup, do your hair and your nails." Julie listed.

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