t h i r t y - n i n e

275 14 2


I woke up at my usual time, 7. This is when Aaliyah starts jumping around. For some reason, today isn't the day. I've gotten so use to waking up at that time that Aaliyah doesn't even jump. But it worries me anyways.

I realised that behind me was a dip in the bed. I turned around and instead of seeing Aaliyah, I saw Cameron still dead asleep. I laughed at how much he's been sleeping and how cute he looks. I got up and straddled his waist, he groaned and placed his hands firmly on my hips.

"Morning." I smiled. His eyes couldn't open, I swear. I leaned down and placed a kiss on his forehead before climbing off. I walked into Cameron's bathroom and washed my face. I then changed into random shorts and threw on a random shirt that I found in his bathroom. I walked down to my room.

"Hey Kayla!" I heard Jack say. I looked up and smiled. "Hi Jack." I smiled and continued to walk . I knocked on the door and there wasn't any reply.

I slowly opened the door and saw Aaliyah sitting on my desk. Her head resting on her arm. Her back was facing me. I quickly ran to her thinking she died or something. I then saw her face, her soft snores escaping her lips. Underneath her arm was a book and in her hand was a pen.

"Aaliyah." I whispered shaking her slightly. "Go sleep on the floor or with dad." I said. She mumbled a few things before opening her eyes.

She yawned and rubbed her eyes. "Sleep." She said still dead. I laughed and scooped her on my back. I walked back to Cameron's room and plopped her beside Cameron. She snuggled into the sheets getting comfortable.

Cameron noticed and turned around to cuddle her. My heart melted. So cute.

I walked over to the curtains to close them so I could block the light. Me being curious, I walked to my desk to see what she was doing. I saw it and it read:

I have no one to talk to so I'm writing this to myself. I think I'm old enough to do my own things, I know Cameron probably thinks I'm fragile but I'm sure I'm capable. It's weird having him as a parent, he cares so much. It's not bad, I'm just not use to it. It makes me happy though, that he does care for me. I want to start studying and educating myself because I feel like at my age I should be at school. Right now, I feel left out and completely stupid. I'm probably not even as smart as the other people my age, I just want to fit in. I don't know if I'm asking for too much, I just want to be normal. I don't want to be treated like a 5 year old when I'm 10. I just want to be normal, like everyone else.

I sighed reading it, underneath it was a book. It was a book for maths? How did she get that? I saw her answers for the questions and her working out on a separate paper. I placed everything back to where it was and walked out the door. "Kayla...?" I saw Aaliyah standing in the hallway. "Yes?" I asked. She looked at me.

"I know you read it. Am I normal?"


I got up realised Kayla must have already gotten up and Aaliyah was gone as well. I yawned and rubbed my eyes awake before heading to the shower. I changed into sweats and walked outside. I heard Aaliyah and Kayla talking which made me curious. I walked to Kayla's room and listened to what they were saying.

"Aaliyah don't ever ask me if you're normal. No one is normal, everyone is different and different makes you, you. I'm not normal, Cameron's not normal and neither are you. Just because you don't go school or you're not doing school work doesn't mean you're not normal, yes it may mean you're different but being like everyone else isn't you. You're your own person and you do what you do, it doesn't matter if you're adopted or if you're not being educated, it doesn't matter about anything. The only thing that matters is what is inside of you, Aaliyah. You is makes you unique, different. What everyone says is that being yourself, is what makes you attractive. Just like Cameron and I, I chose him because he's caring and kind. He can always make me laugh by doing the most stupidest things, he's dorky and clumsy, sometimes he can be a bit high tempered but that's him and I accept that. He's being himself and I fell in love with him. You don't need to compare yourself to others, you don't need to try to fit in with everyone and doing things just to make yourself like others because eventually the right people will fall into your life. And the thing about Cameron caring for you, just letting you know that he's the sweetest person ever and knowing he adopted you makes me smile. I know you're probably not used to it but Cameron is going to committed and he's going to care for you not matter what, whether you like it or not. Accept that of him, just like everyone else is accepting who you are. No one here is going to judge you." Kayla said softly.

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