t h i r t y - o n e

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I would promise myself that hurting girls is wrong. Hurting people in general is wrong, but the thing is when I accidentally smacked Aaliyah... it felt okay. I felt no remorse, no regret. I didn't exactly loved it, I was guilty at first but it just shook off later. My fame risen and I felt powerful, like I could do anything. I shouldn't be looking at fame in this way, like I could gain anything from it but it just came me that I could do more.

Once I felt it, the pleasure of hurting others, I just needed more. I wanted the fame, I felt addicted to it. I would go out of control just to get more people below me, to the point where I tried stealing fame from others. Cameron was the easiest target and the only target I completed until the guilt washed over me. I felt guilty, after everything but again as I said, I was addicted. I didn't sleep, I would use my nights to plot ways to make me more famous. I had no sleep and it affected me badly. I eventually slowed down on the smoking and drugs but not the abuse, I abused Aaliyah and I don't feel any regret.


I walked to the kitchen and sat on the counter. It's 'great' to feel alone, note the sarcasm.

"Ahh!" I heard Aaliyah screams while giggling. Multiple footsteps came down near the kitchen. "I'm going to get you!" Matt said grinning widely. Aaliyah ran to me and hugged my leg that was hanging from the counter.

"Hey kiddo." I smiled messing up her hair. "Hey!" She laughed pouting at me. Matt came in the kitchen and scooped her up in his arms.

"Rawwrr!" He said tickling her. She squirmed in his arms giggling. "Anyways, Uncle Matt has some meetings to go to." He said setting her down on the floor.

"I'll catch you later and tonight we can go out to eat with Uncle Cameron" Matt said. She nodded hugging him before he leaves.

"Have you eaten yet?" I asked her while jumping off the counter. She shook her head no. I smiled laughing. "Cereal?" I asked her.

Her eyes widen showing sparkles like she LOVES cereal. She nods her head eagerly. I laughed, pouring her a bowl and handed it to her. She grabbed it and started chomping it down.

"How does it taste?" I asked. "Gwreat" She mumbled with her mouth full of cereal. I chuckled lightly.

"Want to go to the park?" I asked her. Her face slightly drops. "Uhh I don't have clothes." She mumbled.

"I can go get them from Shawn." I said. She nodded cautiously.

"It'll be fine, just relax okay." I said smiling. She finished her bowl and I carried it and placed it in the sink. I brought her to Johnson so he could keep an eye out for her.

"Aye Johnson." I said knocking the door. He opened it and saw Aaliyah. "Oh hey, who's this?" He asked looking at Aaliyah.

"Shawn's sister, can you look after her while I quickly go get some things?" I asked him. "Yeah of course." He smiled kneeling down the Aaliyah.

"Hey kid, what's your name?" Johnson asked her. She shyly replied. "Aaliyah."

"I'm Jack Johnson, or Johnson." He smiled sweetly at her. She nodded her head slightly. "Hey Aaliyah." I said bending down near her height.

"Everything will be okay, I promise. Johnson won't hurt you, he's a nice boy. I'll just be a few minutes." I said softly. She nodded her head slowly.

"I promise nothing bad will happen to you." I said putting up my pinky finger. A smile slowly crept onto her face. She held up her pinky and did a pinky promise. I hugged her before she walked into Johnson's room.

"Make sure nothing happens to her." I said to Johnson. "You're going to be a great dad bro." He said making me laugh.

I walked to Shawn's house because why not, I'm to lazy to get the car. I knocked on his door a few times before he opened it, he had a weak face. His body was slump and he didn't look too well.

"I'm getting Aaliyah's things." I said walking up the stairs, this house is creepy as fuck. I walked passed a room that was painted pastel pink assuming it was Aaliyah's. I entered the room and instantly wanted to run. The scent of blood was roaming around the room, I quickly searched the room and saw some clothing. She didn't have many, this calls for a shopping spree, with Cameron who is very horrible at girl clothing. I sighed finding a bag and folding the clothes inside it. There were only a few plain shirts, jumpers, leggings, sweats, socks and shoes.

I started walking out the room with the bag in my hand when I felt something soft underneath me. I moved my foot and saw a teddy, it wasn't in great condition but when she held it the first time I saw her, it looked special to her. I grabbed the teddy putting it in the bag before leaving the house. I passed Shawn but I had no time to start anything with him. It's like I'm giving him a chance but it's nowhere near that.

I entered the house again and dropped the bag in my room before heading to Johnson's room. The door was opened and Johnson and Aaliyah were sitting on the bed watching the television in his room.

"Hey guys!" I waved to them at the door. Aaliyah jumped off the bed and ran to hug me. "Missed you too!" I laughed.

"Your clothes are in the room, go get changed and we'll go." I said smiling to her. She nodded happily before walking to my room.

I sighed looking down. "Bro what's up?" Johnson asked. "Nah I'm all goods, just a little stressed." I said before walking away.

My bedroom door was closed. "Aaliyah?" I asked knocking on the door. The door swung open and Aaliyah was dressed in grey sweats and a plain black shirt. "Ready?" I asked smiling.

"Yep." She bubbled slipping on her shoes. I walked to the door as she followed me.

"Cameron, do you know what you're going to do with Shawn?" She asked as we walked on the footsteps.

"I don't know Aaliyah, he made Kayla go back to Chino and I'm dying here." I mumbled.

"Kayla?" She asked. I nodded my head.

"Kayla Thompso- Gilinsky" I said correcting myself.

"Who's she?" She asked. "Someone very special to me, the most important person to me." I said sighing again.

"Why is she so important? Do you love her?" She asked, I get that she's asking a lot of questions but I know if I keep all my thoughts inside, I'll probably go insane. I just need someone to talk to and right now it's Aaliyah, even if she's younger, I don't care.

"Yes, I do love her. I never told her that I did until recently, I was too scared she wouldn't feel the same way. I loved her, since I became friends with her, I have always admired her and I still do. She was my best friend, we had each other. It was us against the world." I said smiling as the memories flooded in.

"She has a nice name." Aaliyah smiled. "Oh she does, her name would light my world. She was drop dead gorgeous, she has a heart of an angel. She was just.. just... God.. words can't explain how I feel about her." I said.

"Where is she now?" She asked as we crossed the road. I held Aaliyah's hand making sure nothing happens to her.

"She's in Chino, back at home. Her dad died, she's at the funeral." I mumbled. Aaliyah gasped as she sat on the swing.

"He-her dad died?" She muttered surprised. I nodded my head slowly. "And it was my fault." I mumbled as my throat tightens.

"What do you mean?" She asked, I sat on the swing next to her. "It's.. don't worry" I said before smiling. She nodded understanding, I didn't want to say something that would have scared her more...

"Well tell me about yourself." I smiled to her swinging the seat. "Well I'm 10, born on the September 15th." She said simply.

"Favourite colour? Food?" I asked. "Blue and STRAWBERRIES!" She smiled. "Don't forget the cereal." She added. I lightly chuckle while swinging.

"What about you?" She asked. "Green and pizza" I laugh. "That's great!" She giggled.

author's note

Sorry if I've been inactive, I've been trying to work on another book.

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