s e v e n t e e n

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Cameron was exhausted let me tell you. We went on the Dodgem Cars, Tornado, The cha cha, one of the Haunted Houses and we went on the Pirate Ship.

"Done yet?" He asked groaning. "Hey, you're the one that brought me here!" I said sassily.

"What time is it?" He asked. I checked my phone.

"Six pm." I said.

"Shit we got to go!" He said quickly dragging me out. "What? Noooo" I faked cry.

"Come on we are going somewhere better!" He said jumping into the car.

"What is better than the fair?" I asked looking sadly at it.

"These!" He said smiling. I turned around to see him hold two tickets.

"No fucking wayy!" I screamed. "Shawn Mendes?!" I gasped.

"Yep!" He said nodding. "Chicken balls I love you!" I said laughing. He paused. "Sorry?" He turned slowly towards me.

"I sorry... I shouldn't have said anything." I stuttered. He continued to start the car up. He sort of looks disappointed.

"Cameron..." I felt really bad. "We're just so new and fresh, I wanted to take things slowly. It doesn't mean I don't have feelings for you but I really really do. I just... love is a strong feeling and I want to be 10000% sure about us."

"So you think we're going to break up or something? You're not ... fully sure about us?..."

Crap that must have been taken the wrong way.

"No Cameron... I just... I like you alot okay. I'm not doubting anything."

"Yeah alright." He watched ahead, focusing on his driving. My heart felt pain. I felt so bad.

"I'm sorry." I sighed. "Probably ruined the night."

The car pulled over and Cameron unbuckled his seatbelt. "Kayla just stop."

I froze. Why do I keep fucking things up.

"Let's just enjoy the night and we'll talk about it at home." He sighed.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and leaned over. I cupped his cheeks and made him turn towards me. I kissed him deeply. At first I felt he was hesitant but soon after he warmed up and kissed me back. His fingers ran through my hair.

"You're my one and only Cameron. Don't forget that." I whispered. He smiled.

"I'm sorry I got upset."

"It's okay."

"Okay let's get heading we might be late." He started the car up again and drove off.

"I heard he was in Omaha but I didn't bother trying to go." I said. I was literally mentally jumping.

"Let me tell you a secret." He said going closer to my ear.

"Shawn is my friend." He whispered.

"No." I said shocked.

"Yes!" He laughed.

"Wow..." I smiled. Oh was I a happy potato.


"We're here, we're here!" I chanted not believing I'm going to see Shawn perform.

"Come on." He said dragging me through the doors. He showed the tickets and did all the check ups.

"Oh, could this be any longer!" I groaned.

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