t h i r t y - s e v e n

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"Jack." I cried wiping my tears. I called him to pick me up since Cameron already drove home leaving me here alone.

"I messed up." I said leaning my head on the car window.

"Kayla, no you didn't." He said. "It was Shawn's fault." He said through gritted teeth.

"Did you know what he said in the card, what he said and what I did was heart shattering." I said honestly.

"He said he promises that we'll grow old together with our own kids."



I sighed flopping onto my bed. What can I do now? Aaliyah entered my room and sat on my bed beside me and laid down.

"He's not mad." Aaliyah said looking at the ceiling. "How could he not be? I kissed Shawn." I said sighing. I felt her tense up before relaxing again.

"Correction, he kissed you." She said. "Aren't you a smart one?" I laughed sitting up.

"Stating facts." She smiled proudly, I laughed. "But he really isn't mad, he's just sad."

"He's just sad because seeing you kiss someone is very hard for him since he LOVES youu!" Aaliyah smiled. I smiled back feeling a bunch of weight lifted from my shoulders. "He also sad because he had a really cheesy speech to say to you when he got on his knee."

"Should I go talk to him?" I asked her. She nodded. "Please do, he's literally staying in there and he hasn't even tried to smile. I miss the fun him." She frowned.

I smiled and hugged her before getting up and walking to his room. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

The door opened and I saw Cameron. His eyes widen. After coming back from Chino, I'm more comfortable around him for some reason. We could joke around more not caring about anything else.

"Look Cameron I'm really sorry and-" I got cut off by him smashing his lips against mine. My eyes widen, well that was a quick apology...

"It's fine." He smiled and looked down at my hands. I was wearing the ring. He took the ring off. I looked at him confused.

"I swear I didn't kiss him, he kissed me. I could react because I was shocked, Cameron I am so sorry." I said quickly. He nodded and lead me into the room.

"I'm not mad. It's not because I don't love you. It's because I trust you and I know you wouldn't lie to me." He said smiling. I smiled and hugged him.

"I bet Aaliyah spilled everything to you right?" I nodded laughing.

He spun me around and went on his knee. "Smooth." I laughed at him. He chuckled and held the ring. "Kayla Tho- Gilinsky" He said. I laughed.

"Oh real smooth..." I laughed sarcastically. "Oh shut up." He laughed and coughed.

"Please be mine again." He said pouting his lips. "Straight to the point aye? Love it!" I laughed. "Of course!" I smiled hugging him. He stared at my lips.

"Your lips look lonely" He said. "Would they like to meet mine?" He asked. "Oh my god" I mentally faced palm. "You're lame!" I laughed. "But yes." I smiled as he pulled me in a kiss.

"And yes I'm straight to the point." he said laughing. "So let's strip and fuck." He said with a serious face. I literally died of laughter. He laughed tackling me to the bed. I knew he was joking, I mean of course.


"I promise that I'll be here with you forever, we can raise Aaliyah together as well as our own kids. We'll live in a house full of kids everywhere. I want little cam cam's running around." He said laughing.

"Hold up there Cam" I laughed. "How many umm cam cam's?" I asked laughing as we watch Prison Break. "6." He smiled proudly, my eyes widen.

"That's a lot of kids popping out of my vagina honey." I laughed. He laughed and brought me closer to his chest.

This is what I mean, before I went back to Chino if we were dating, which we were, we would have never talked about the future or kids or joke around like this. We would always hide things from each other, we would never have pointless conversations. I liked this, I liked us.

"So are you my mum now?" Aaliyah asked jumping on my stomach and sitting on it. "I-" I got cut off by Cameron. "Yes." Cameron laughed.

"If that's okay with you of course." Cameron smiled at me. "Of course it is." I laughed as he pecked my cheek.

"Okay there's a child here!" Aaliyah laughed. I laughed.


"DAILY ALARM HERE!" Aaliyah screamed jumping on us. "WAKE UP LAZY PEOPLE!" She screamed laughing and giggling. I groaned and sat up.

"Morning!" She chirped. I yawned. I guess Cameron and I fell asleep watching Prison Break. "So what do we do today?" Aaliyah asked. Cameron sat up looking tired as hell. I laughed at him.

"We can go to sleep" Cameron yawned falling back onto the bed. I looked up at Aaliyah, we had the same smirk plastered on our faces. We both stood up and jumped on the bed.

"CAMERON GET UP!" I screamed.

"MOVE IT YOU LAZY!" Aaliyah yelled laughing. "YEAH YOU LAZY!" I laughed jumping up and down.

Cameron quickly scooped our legs but missed mine. "HA" I laughed running to his bathroom. "KAYLA HELP!" Aaliyah yelled. I grabbed a bucket and filled it with cold water. I quickly ran to the bed and dumped it on both of them.

"Me to the rescue!" I laughed. "I SAID HELP ME! NOT DROWN ME IN WATER!" Aaliyah yelled laughing.

Cameron glared at me then tackled me on his bed. "CAMERON!" I screamed laughing as he tickled me. "Aaliyah- h-HELP!" I screamed squirming around on the wet bed.

She came back with a bucket. "NO NO THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!" I whined as she dumped it all on me. I groaned. "Payback!" She giggled running away.

I laughed lying on the bed all soaked. Cameron stopped tickling me and hovered his wet body over mine. I smiled running my hands through his wet hair. He smiled kissing my forehead before standing up again.

"Go clean yourself up, I'ma go wash the sheets" He said. I nodded and walked out of his room into mine. I showered and changed into shorts and chucked on a random shirt. I walked into Hayes' room since I haven't talked to him much lately.

He was sitting on his beanbag playing Call Of Duty like always. "Hey Pooh." I smiled. "Sup Kitty." He said still focused on the game.

"Hayes, I don't know what to do manz" I said sighing. He stopped the game and paid attention to me. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"Cameron brought me a dog." I started off. "And I'm SO thankful of him doing that" I said. "But, we've been busy lately and I don't think we can look after it properly." I said honestly.

"Do what you think is right, return it if you want. Cameron should understand that it's hard to look after a dog, it's a lot of responsibilities." He said.

"I know, do you want him?" I asked. He looked up at me smiling. "Go ahead." I laughed. "We can partially keep it." I said. "You have full responsibility but he's still family to us if that makes any sense." I laughed. He nodded smiling.

author's note:

HA you thought there was going to be BOMBS DROPPED full drama shit but sadly not

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