t w e n t y - t w o

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I dug my face into Hayes' chest sobbing. "Kayla, it's going to be alright. It was a misunderstanding. I'm sure he loves you he just needs time." Hayes said rubbing my back.

"I feel so bad though, I shouldn't have let Shawn touch me." I said trying to contain my breathing. "It's not your fault, he just probably taking more time because it's Shawn."

"I don't know why he hates Shawn so much, Hayes please tell me." I mumbled. "I don't think I should be the one telling you" Hayes said. "Do you want ice-cream?" Hayes asked happily. I nodded weakly.

I exited Hayes' room walking towards the kitchen. The sight I just experienced had me even more shattered. No, he wouldn't do that. I immediately run back into Hayes room.

"Kayla!" I heard Cameron scream behind me. I ignored him and slammed the door behind me. "Kayla.." Hayes said opening the door. "What's wrong?"

Hayes opened the door and took a few steps. I'm pretty sure he added it together.

"Kayla oh god I'm so sorry..." He said. "He..."

"Julie... He.. Hayes." I couldn't get my words out.

"He ... they were kissin-"

"Just breathe Hayes scooped me into his lap."

"He cheated on me." I mumbled shaking my head.

The sight of Julie on top of Cameron's lap kissing him deeply. It reminded me of the dream.

"It was just like the dream..." I said. I calmed down and my crying has stopped. "What if the dream is becoming reality, that means D-David might come.." I whispered. "David?" I heard Hayes asked confused.

"Jack's dad" I mumbled. "No, I promise he won't hurt you again." Hayes said walking towards me.

"Hayes.. What if you hurt me, strangle me and make me suffer.." I said barely audible. "Stay away" I screamed. "Kayla what on Earth are you talking about I'm not going to hurt you..." Hayes said with concern in his eyes. "No go away!" I screamed crying. "Kayla..."

I ran past him exiting the room. I ran up the hallways reaching Nash's room. "What if.. No." I panicked running away from Nash's room. I ended up reaching Jack's room. David is in there. "What, no no." I mumbled grabbing my head.

"It's not happening.." I whispered feeling myself getting light headed.

"It can't be true. Dreams don't come true."


I sat in the middle of the floor sobbing hardly. I'm scared and I don't know who to trust. Cameron cheated on me with Julie, why would Julie do this to me. Especially Cameron, he assumed I cheated and now he's actually cheating on me. Maybe I truly don't belong here, maybe Cameron words were correct. 'It would have been better if you got shot instead of her' He's right, I'm suppose to be dead.

I don't deserve the love from Cameron or Hayes. I don't deserve to be cared by Jack. I don't deserve anything, the only thing I deserve to be is dead.

I cried walking into my room, I head into my bathroom and locked the door. Cameron is right, I'm suppose to be dead. I deserve it and that is exactly what's going to happen.

"Kayla!" I heard someone yell banging on the door. "Kayla open the door now!" The door was being kicked multiple times.

I crawled on the bathroom floor till I reached my shower. I sat on the floor and turned the water on. The warm water drenched me and my clothes. I sat sobbing. I didn't care if I was being heard. I just yelled in pain. Both emotional and physical. My head was driving me nuts. I couldn't see straight.

"Kayla!" I heard Hayes yell. The door swung open. It loudly slammed against the wall.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" He screamed running up to my body.

"Kayla stay with me, don't close your eyes!" Jack panicked running up and holding my arm. "I deserve to die, I'm not suppose to be here!" I cried.

I heard a bunch of boys panicking. "Call 9-1 fucking 1 NOW!" My vision was blurry due to my tears. "I can't be here, take me away." I cried harder.

"Kayla breathe!" Hayes kept yelling. I'm panicking so much, I couldn't get any oxygen in my lungs. I was gasping for air. " I need to be-" I tried to finish my sentence but I was stopped by trying to inhale oxygen. I was having a panic attack and this is worse one yet.

I felt my eyes slowly closing. "I don't know, she not breathing right now and her eyes are slowly closing!" I heard someone yell.

"Kayla no stay with me." Jack said brushing the baby hairs from my forehead. I felt a pair of soft lips against mine. My eyes instantly widened and I saw Hayes. Hayes was kissing me. He pulled back and I found myself normally breathing again.

I sat up. "Oh my god, thank god you're okay." Jack hugged me. "That's cliche as fuck..." Nash said. "But I am glad you're okay."

"Why did that work?" I began taking deeper breaths. Hayes shrugged, "Saw it on Teen Wolf."

I heard something shatter on the floor. Everyone's heads snapped. Cameron looked at me, he looked upset?. I watched as he loosened his grip on his phone. I watched his phone plough into the ground.

Cameron squeezed between the boys and came up towards me. He scooped me up in his arms.

"Cameron where are you going?" Jack asked standing up. I saw Hayes pull Jack back and whispered to him. "It's okay leave them."

I was still slightly shaken from this. Cameron walked out of my room into his and carefully placed me on his bed. His jaw was tightly clenched as he was trying to calm me down.

"I-I'm sorry" I blurted out. "It's fine." He says with no emotion. I wanted to walk away from Cameron right now, I'm not happy about what he did. "I didn't kiss Julie." He said.

"I don't believe you" I mumbled looking down.

"Kayla, you cheated on me with Shawn so why are you so upset about me kissing Julie!" He screamed.

"Oh so you did kiss Julie?" I asked. He went silent, that's what I thought.

"Don't blame this on me, I didn't cheat on you with Shawn! Why can't you understand I'm telling you the truth. Cameron you're pathetic, even if I did cheat, is this what you would have thought? That it's okay to cheat back because I've already done it? That's it's okay to cheat for revenge? Cameron just stay away. We're done." I said walking out of Cameron's room and walked into Jack and Johnson's room. I saw Johnson and Jack lying in bed.

I walked up to Jack and sat beside him. "I'm sorry." I rested my head on his chest. "It's fine, don't say sorry. What got you to think this?"

author's note:

DISCLAIMER: I love Shawn okay? okay. I love him more than my potatoes, make sense. My friends forced me to do this! :(( Go ahead and blame them! :))

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