1 ~ Out of nowhere

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Mitch's POV

"Yo, Mitchell! Come on." Travis, my oldest brother, yells from downstairs. We're supposed to go to the woods today to hunt some wolves but I really don't want to go. It's not like I particularly like wolves, but I just don't like killing or hurting innocent animals.

"I'm not going!" I scream back at him. I also hate it when they call me Mitchell. I came out of the closet a few months ago and they are calling me Mitchell to make me more masculine. Like that's even possible.

"Of course you're going!" Alex, my other brother yells at me. I still don't understand how those two jocks can be my brothers. I don't look like them at all. They both have dark blonde hair and green eyes. I have dark brown hair and eyes. They are also very masculine and sporty, the exact opposite of me. I wouldn't say they are bullies but they tease me more than I would like, especially since I came out. My dad thinks I can still be straight if I just try enough 'manly' stuff. My mom accepts me but she doesn't want to go against anything my dad says.

"Mitchell, come down here! We're going hunting." My dad's low voice sounds.

I let out a dramatic sigh. Can't they just leave me alone? It's the last day of my summer vacation. I'm starting college tomorrow, I want to get a degree in music. I know I will get in trouble if I don't go with them though.

I stand up and walk over to the stairs. I put on my most annoyed face and walk down. They are all standing at the bottom, staring at me with scoffs on their faces. "Finally." Travis says. I just give him a nasty look.

They are all very tall too, making me feel a little bit intimidated. I get the occasional slap from them, but never really hard or something. Nothing to leave a bruise or wound. They just annoy me so much. The only one I can really talk to is my mom, I don't get what she is doing with a man like my dad.

We climb in the jeep together, going to the forest. Luckily, most of the time we don't even see the wolves. Usually we just walk around, following tracks. Only twice in my life have they actually killed wolves. I have never, I hate any kind of violence.

I hope today is a just walking around day. I really hope we won't run into any wolves, or worse, kill them. No way in my life, am I gonna kill a wolf. They are just animals, they can't help it that they are 'good for hunting' as my dad says. Apparently they hunt wolves cause they put up a fight and make it more exciting that way. Like hunting deers isn't bad enough. We even have wolf furs in our house from the wolves they killed. I absolutely hate it.

The car stops. "Tracks!" My dad yells from the front. We all get out, following the tracks.

We are walking for half an hour when we hear sounds coming from the left. All our heads snap up. I can't see anything but I heard something very clearly.

"Spread!" My dad gives us all a gun and tells us what direction to go in.

"What?!" I say, freaked out. Don't get me wrong. I hate spending time with these jerks but that doesn't mean I want to be alone in a forest with wolves in it. I know I said they are just animals, but if they feel threatened they will attack. A gun is threatening I would say.

"Come on, Mitchell. We have more chance of catching them if we go separate. Just shoot when you see one okay? We'll hear and come to you asap." My dad says, probably trying to be nice. It doesn't work, I'm still hating this situation.

They start jogging in their direction, away from me. I'm on my own now, in a forest full of wolves that can kill me. This is just perfect. I know I have a gun, but I've never shot one so I don't know if it will be of much use.

I slowly start walking in the direction my dad pointed in for me too. I look around me, focusing on every sound. It seems like it's just the sounds of the forest, birds, insects. Branches crack under my feet, I feel like I am way too loud. Don't wolfs have good hearing? They can probably hear me coming.

I just hope that my dad will come get me and tell me that there are no wolves anymore. I don't hear anything yet though. No gunshots, no voices. Everything is quiet.

I keep walking in a straight line, maybe I'll walk out of the forest like this. That would be awesome. I could call my mom from there to pick me up or something.

I speed up a little, desperate to get home. These woods kind of creep me out.

Out of nowhere, something jumps forwards out of the bushes, tackling me to the ground. I have no idea where it came from, but it sure is big and heavy. Not to mention his teeth are staring at me, straight in the face. It's a wolf, a big one. I don't look in his eyes, I heard once that that means you want to pick a fight. I really do not want that right now.

I expect the wolf to rip me to shreds but he doesn't. Who am I to say it's a he? Maybe the wolf is female. I don't know why, but I am not freaking out. Somehow, somewhere deep within me, my instincts kick in. I keep quiet.

It just keeps breathing in my face. Somehow, it's breath does not stink. It actually smells kind of nice. How on earth can a wolf's breath smell nice? Don't they only eat deers? This is weird.

His paws dig in the skin of my shoulders. He is heavy and it's starting to hurt, but I can't complain. He hasn't put his teeth in me. Yet.

I just keep on looking down, not in his eyes. What does it want? Does it like to toy with its food before killing it? My gun is further away so maybe I would have a chance if that happens. Should I scream for help? I don't know if someone will hear, and the wolf might get mad. I don't want to piss it off.

I don't struggle at all in his grip. I need to show him that I am not dangerous and that I don't mean any harm. Maybe it saw my gun and felt threatened? Does a wolf even know what a gun looks like? Does it know what a gun can do? Maybe if it has seen a gun before, or felt the pain of it. I heard that wolves are really smart animals.

Maybe if I keep laying still like this, the wolf will get bored of me and let me go. It's okay to hope right?

I accedently let out a sigh, causing the wolf to growl. My eyes snap up out of reflex, I didn't think about it, it just happens. I look right in the wolf's eyes.

He has beautiful blue eyes, the brightest I've ever seen. It's like the sky is trapped in them. They look strangely intelligent too, like he knows exactly what is going on.

Before I can even move, he jumps up and sprints away. I lie there for a few minutes, trying to process what the hell just happened. A wolf attacked me, well not really, but then the moment I looked in its eyes, it just took off. Was it scared of me? Did I look somehow dangerous? I really don't know.

I have no idea why, but I feel kind of sad that the wolf left. Why would I be sad about that? That just makes no sense at all.

Helloooo, welcome to my new book! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Yes, I know that it is werewolf again, I might be a little obsessed with werewolves.


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