14~ Now or Never

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Scott's POV

Mitch asked me to park a block away from his house. He didn't tell me why so I didn't ask, he probably has his reasons.

He is already waiting for me when I pull up at the end of his street. I get out of my car and open the door for him.

''How are you?'' I ask him, when we're both in the car. ''You look amazing.'' He is wearing a white t-shirt that leaves one shoulder bare. I can see his tattoos, he has one with collarbone on it. It's so cheeky and cute, so him. He's also wearing a black beanie with white stripes on it.

He blushes, "thank you," he says with a smile. "You too." He says, looking down at my sweater. "I like that sweater." I'm actually wearing my leader of the pack sweater, it's my favorite sweater for obvious reasons. Mitch doesn't know that though.

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I drive away in the direction of the restaurant I planned on taking Mitch

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I drive away in the direction of the restaurant I planned on taking Mitch. It's small and it has a lot of different foods, I don't want to go to an italian or something restaurant and then find out he doesn't even like that. The restaurant is also owned by a pack member of mine so I know it's good food.

''So where are we going?'' Mitch asks as soon as I start the car. He is curious, isn't he?

''We're going to a cute little restaurant. I hope you'll like it.'' I say, glancing at Mitch next to me. He is already looking at me, an excited expression on his face.

''What is it called? Maybe I know it.'' Mitch says, his body still turned to me.

''It's called 'the gray wolf'.'' The owner's fur is gray and her wife's too, she wanted to name her restaurant after them. I can't say I particularly like the name, but it's about the food.

''No, I don't know that. What kind of restaurant is it?'' Mitch asks, curiosity clear in his voice.

''It has all different kinds foods, not a specific country or something.'' I say, casting another glance in his direction.

''Have you been there before?''

''Yes, the food is very good.'' I answer. It's just a few minutes longer and then we're there. The rest of the drive is spent with Mitch singing along with the radio softly.

I pull up in the restaurant's small parking lot. I quickly step out and run to the other side of the car to open the door for Mitch. He blushes cutely when I take his hand to help him out of the car.

We walk inside the building, hand in hand. My pack member will see me hand in hand with a boy on a date so he will probably figure out what is happening. I'm sure that's going to cause some rumours in the pack. Oh well, it's not like I was planning on hiding it forever.

I quickly send a mindlink to Hannah, telling her to not call me alpha but just by my name. I already informed her that I would be coming today.

''Scott!'' She immediately walks towards us when she spots me, which is not hard to do with my height and werewolf's sense of smell.

''Hi Hannah.'' I greet her. She is a very nice woman who can cook fantastically. She also knows how to have fun, I've had some fun nights with her. Not anything sexually though, we're both gay. ''This is Mitch.'' I say, looking down at Mitch.

Mitch smiles shyly at her. ''Hi.''

''Hi Mitch.'' Hannah smiles back. ''Come with me.'' She leads us to a far corner of the already crowded restaurant. I appreciate her thinking of my privacy, I like not being stared at in a restaurant.

I pull out Mitch's chair out for him. I want this date to be perfect for him so he will want to go on another date with me. I need him to like me so I can make him mine.

We're both sitting at the table looking at our menus. ''So what do you like besides singing?'' I ask. It's not just small talk, I really want to know more about him.

He looks down at the table, smiling what looks like embarrassly. ''I don't really have other hobbies.'' He looks at me again, his cheeks a bit red.

''So you just sing in your free time?'' I ask curiously.

''No I talk to friends and I like watching netflix and youtube.'' He admits. I mean who doesn't?

"Me too." I say. The waiter comes at that moment, asking us what we want to order. I order a steak and Mitch a pasta. I guess he really likes pasta.

"So why did you want me to pick you up a block away? Are you not out to your parents yet?" I am just really curious. "You don't have to say if you don't want to." I don't want to pressure him or anything.

"Uhm, it's complicated. I am out but my dad doesn't really like it." He looks down at the table, the mood suddenly brought down. I don't understand how as a parent you can be like that. Why would it matter what gender you're attracted to?

I don't really know what to say to this. It stays silent and awkward for a moment until the waiter brings our food.

"This looks delicious." Mitch says, his earlier excitement back. He immediately starts eating, obviously enjoying his meal. He lets out a quiet moan, but not quiet enough to not be heard by my wolf hearing. He sounds so hot, what would he sound like in the bedroom? Would he be moaning my name?

"Are you okay, Scott?" Mitch says, snapping me out of my thoughts. Control yourself! I scold me and especially my wolf. He's the horny one here.

"Yes, I'm good. The food is very delicious." Mitch raises an eyebrow at me, I haven't even touched my food. I quickly get my spoon and start eating.

The rest of the dinner goes by with us talking about small things. Mitch likes musicals like wicked, grease, hairspray, mama mia. I like wicked and I've seen grease but not the other ones.

I drive him back to his house, or a block away from his house. He gets out of the car and I follow him. I can basically feel the whole damn zoo in my stomach, I'm nervous. I really want to kiss him but I don't know if he wants to. What if he turns his cheek? That would be the end of our friendship/relationship. I don't want to take things too fast. But on the other side, he did say yes to a date so he must like me right?

I walk closer to him. "I had a really good time tonight Mitch." I say, looking down at him. I quickly glance down at his lips, but not too long.

"Me too, Scott. We should do this more often." He says, looking me in the eyes. I keep looking at him to see if his eyes go down at my lips. After about 3 seconds of eye contact they finally look at my lips. That's a sign that he wants to kiss right?

I step even more close to him. Our chests are almost touching. It's now or never.


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